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     Taehyung's POV
"I should go now.See u guys tomorrow!"Jin exclaimed as he left us at the cafe that we always go to."I should get going too.See u!"J-hope said as he waved us goodbye.There were bruises all over his arm that he was trying to cover with a jacket.I could feel this overwhelming guilt inside me and I just started boiling with rage.I wish i could have done something to prevent this.I wish i could be my normal self, just like my sister...it is so unfair!
Soon after they left, Lisa, Taeyeon, Namjoon and i decided to leave. We walked back home.It was a peaceful but long walk back home as we were all tired after school and the house was quite far from school.As we were just about to walk through the gates of the house a motorcycle drove past us."He's speeding again,as always."Taeyoen said as she sighed.All of us knew who it was.It was none other then THE Byun baekhyun(also known as the rich kid and also one of my closest friends.) I was quite happy to see him still being able to speed on his motorcycle since we may not know when we may never see each other again...
               "Please don't tell me we're gonna start training right now.We literally just got back from school!"Lisa whined dreading training.I mean even though Lisa is always not in the mood to train,I must say that i agree with her this time.Luckily the only reason baekhyun came back home early was just because he had an important meeting to attend later that afternoon.

Time skip to later in the day
(Namjoon's pov)
                 "Namjoon you need to be in charge of training today."Baekhyun stated as he was about to leave."You sure?"I asked."Yeah."I nodded at his response.He got in his car and started to drive off but stopped."I forgot to tell you something,if i don't come back by 10pm tonight...you know what to do."He said before he drove off into the distance.I guess he wasn't joking when he said what he said last time.Things might really change tonight.
              I called everyone out to the backyard to start our training.I decided to go back to the basics today.They all need to become stronger then they already are including me...

Taehyung's pov
             I was casually training by myself when i suddenly got a called back into the house by Namjoon."What's wrong?Did i do something bad?"I asked quite curious and clueless as to why Namjoon called me."U did nothing wrong.Just follow me."He answered seriously.I decided to just follow him without asking anymore questions.
We walked for at least 10 mins the place wasn't very far from the main part of our house.It took awhile for me to take in the surroundings."How had I not known that this place existed?I mean I get that the house is really big and all but i've been living here for more then 2 years now and i've never been here!"I thought to myself."Stay here for awhile."Namjoon said before going into a guest house looking building.I waited for awhile until Namjoon finally came out with a bunch of equipment.I was speechless.I thought those were only to be used by the people who needed to defend the most."From now on you'll be training one on one with either me,baekhyun or your sister."namjoon stated."Why?"I asked quite fazed."l can't explain right now but I promise u that I'll explain soon."Namjoon reassured me.I started my training.I didn't know what was to come or what was going on.But what I knew was that i trust Namjoon.

8p.m. that day
(Still Taehyung's pov)
"Finally i can lay down!The one on one training was exhausting!I can't believe i have to do that everyday from now on."I thought as i lay on the living room couch.I was drenched in sweat from the training."Where have u been?"I turned my head to the direction of the staircase it was Lisa."Somewhere."I answered while panting.She came closer to me and was disgusted."Omg Kim taehyung!!!Go and shower please the couch is now freaking wet because of your sweat that's disgusting!"She shouted as she tried to get me off the couch without touching me that much since i was very sweaty."Hold on i'm exhausted."I said as i stayed on the couch no matter how hard she tried to get me off of it.Soon enough she gave up and went back to her room.Awhile later I finally got up and took a quick shower.I then went on my phone to watch some youtube when i came across a good song.That was when an idea popped up in my mind.
"LIIISSSSSAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"I screamed as i ran to her room.I barged into her room as she was practicing."Perfect she's already practising."I thought."What?"She asked in an annoyed tone."Let's go to our hangout i've got a great song already.Please~"I begged."Sure."She said so we made our way to our hangout.
             "So do u think it would be better to go left or right for this step?"Lisa asked."Right."I answered.We continued choreographing the dance.It took awhile but we were finally done.We were very proud of our choreography as we had never actually taken any professional lessons or coaching." Let's run through it once again!" I exclaimed. I was very motivated as I thought that it was one of our best choreography. " Fine." Said Lisa as she went to play the music.

As I danced to the song, I felt free. That must have been the reason why I first took up dancing with Lisa. In school I had wanted to join the dance club but was not allowed as I had to keep my reputation of being a ' nerd '.
Time skip
       Taehyung's pov
             We were on the way home when I got a call from my sister... " Tae where are you?! Something has come up, we need you to meet us at the meeting room now!" I was shocked and at the same time worried. Before I could say anything else, my sister hung up on me.
             " What happened?!" I asked panting. I had ran all the way to get to the meeting room and all I saw was Taeyeon and Baekyun. They looked really sad so I expected that something bad must have happened.
                " Taeyeon Noona could you please excuse me and Taehyung..."said Baekhyun. I looked at him as my sister left the room. " Take a seat..."I sat down and got ready for the worst.
               " Taehyung promise me you won't freak out..."said Baekyun. I looked at him and told him I would try my best not to. " Taehyung...he...he did not make it..." I looked at Baekyun in disbelief. " You do not mean HIM...no you must be joking...it can't be...he was the strongest among all of us...it can't be. Please tell me your joking...it is all a joke right?!" I said close to tears.
               He shook his head and I saw a tear drop from his eye to his black leather pants. I was devastated. "He was my inspiration, my role model. I can't believe he...wait......than who is going to take over his place?"
                " You..." the moment I heard ' you ', I froze. Never in my life have I thought...
               My tears flowed down in despair. This was worse than my fathers death and definitely worse than failing a test. I was scared that I could not live up to that title and would let everyone down. On the other hand I was depressed that he was gone...

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