Shouldn't your pain be my happiness?

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         Taehyung's pov
           These past few days has been hell for me. My life had been turned upside down. I could not believe that he had left us. He was like a brother to me. He was the one who took me and Taeyeon noona, saving us from living on the streets. " Why him!" I cried out in. It had been two days since I got to know about it. I kept wondering what would happen if he had let me go with him when I begged him to do so,will his fate change and maybe he would still be alive and would continue to be the leader and I could just do my normal stuff. If only...
     Baekhyun's pov
                   Taehyung has not ate or came out of his room for two days. He is going to fall ill. As the vice leader, I need to Ensure that he is at the top of his game. However whenever I try to talk to him( by knocking at his door and asking him to come out ) he would always either ignore me or tell me to go away. I really hope that he will stop blaming himself and move on... we need you Taehyung...we need the old you...
Taehyung's pov
I looked at the moon and looked at it shine in the dark. It reminded me of what I always told myself " Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody." This quote always reminded me that no matter who it is and what they do to me, I must forgive them because no one is perfect and they will always have a dark me... but mine is a bit different...
This quote also helped me stay strong even tho sometimes at school I would get bullied. I would always not fight back as I know that they have a dark side and they are just trying to let it out...unlike me but I had always hope to one day be free and let it out.
As I was thinking, I did not realised that I was inching my way towards the window and by the time I knew it, I was already sitting on the window seal. I was really fascinated by the moon so i decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air and hopefully clear my mind. I changed into a white shirt leaving the fist button unbuttoned and a pair of ripped jeans.

 I changed into a white shirt leaving the fist button unbuttoned and a pair of ripped jeans

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I climbed out of the window seal carefully and landed on the wire mesh. I climbed down the wire mesh and landed safely on the ground. I dust my pants and started my walk.
       It was nice to feel the cold air hit my face and my hair prancing around in the wind. Sigh if only I could act like this in school... I thought.
        Soon I arrived at a beach and i sat on the now cool sand and admired the moon. " The moon is really big today." I said to myself.
Jungkook's POV
          I ran and ran and ran and I found myself back there again.I was looking everywhere for sehun hyung,everywhere he might have been.I promised myself i wouldn't go back there since it would only bring back bad memories but there i was again.I stopped running and sat down on the sand."This was the last place he could be."I tried to convince myself.But was it really?In my heart i knew that it wasn't.Sehun promised himself not to come back here we all did even me.A tear fell.But however I was brought back here although there were so many good memories it held, but I knew that in heart that those memories will be history...
      I was walking around the beach trying to clear my mind and also trying to process what Minho has told me. I was also upset at myself.I couldn't believe myself.I was scared.I couldn't lose someone special to me again.
           I wondered if anyone goes to this beach anymore the last time i came it was only me and my dad."I guess people do still go to this beach" i mumbled to myself as i saw someone sitting on the sand.He looked sad.I went closer to him."Was it really him?"I thought to myself at first.There right in front of my eyes Kim Taehyung was crying.He looked miserable and broken as he sobbed to himself on this lonely abandoned beach.I tried to smile, I tried to laugh shouldn't i be happy at the fact that his life was already miserable but... but i couldn't.I was worried about him, I cared about him! " No Jungkook no! His father killed your father!" I wanted to go up to him and say that everything was ok.But why...why did I care about him?!
            I ran and ran and ran once again...thinking that it was because I was tired that I cared.
" Get a grip Jungkook!" I said to myself as I ran off.

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