Chapter 2

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Chelsea and Gray opened the door to a lovely diner on the otherside of town. The diner seemed old fashioned like it was from the 60's. Pink and blue neon signs were all over the diner. The pink and blue theme travelled throughout it from napkin holders to tables and seats. Gray took a seat at a booth in the back.
"Before Europe we have never spent more then 5 minutes alone, what's going on Gray?" Chelsea asked. A lot happened in Europe and after weeks nothing was mentioned, they completely avoided eachother until now.
"What happened in Europe..." he started.
"What happened in Europe stays in Europe" Chelsea shrugged. An older lady in her 40's wearing heavy blue eyeshadow came to the table.
"Can I get you anything?" she asked with a jersey accent.
Chelsea looked at the menu and something caught her eye.
"Banana pancakes please" Chelsea smiled at the lady, she ignored it and wrote down her order.
"Chocolate chip pancakes thanks" Gray told her. The lady walked off ignoring the both of them.

"That's not what I'm saying" Gray argued.
"What you want to sleep with your bestfriend's little sister even more then you already have?" Chelsea asked.
"Cole will be crushed if he finds out, we both just need to forget it ever happened" Chelsea shrugged.
"And you don't care" Gray mumbled sitting back in the seat and staring in the distance over her shoulder.
"That's not it at all, you were my frst Gray and to me that means a lot" Chelsea whispered. Chelsea didn't want to forget what happened in Europe, she wanted it to continue, Gray made her feel everything they say you feel in movies. The butterflies, the nerves, the sweaty palms.
"But?" he asked.
"But my relationship with my brother is not worth ruining over the fact that we slept together a few times" she shrugged.
"You know how much Cole means to me, he's all I've got" Chelsea added.
"Yeah I know" Gray sighed.

The two demolished their pancakes in silence. There wasn't much to say between them. He knew how she felt and she thought she knew how he felt. The ride back to school was completely silent.
"So are you excited for calculus ?" Chelsea asked. This earned a raised eyebrow from Gray. Are you excited for calculus? Stupid!' Chelsea yelled at herself in her head. When they pulled into the parking lot Cole was leaned up against his car, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Where did the two of you go?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Pancake?" Chelsea asked holding a container with a  left over pancake in her hand. Her eyes shuffled to Gray but he didn't show any emotion or fear.
"Well in that case" Cole shrugged taking the container and digging into the left over banana pancake.

A loud roar came from down the street, the sound was getting louder and louder. A black 2019 Chevrolet corvette pulled into the parking lot. Chelsea looked at the car and smiled.
"Looks like you have competition" Chelsea looked at her brother and Gray. They both just scoffed and crossed their arms over their chest. The driver stepped out. He had dark brown hair, a chiselled jaw and bright blue eyes, with a perfect pearly white smile to go with it.
"Hey, I'm Owen Hanson, I'm new" he said pulling out a backpack from his car and shutting the door.
"I'm Chelsea, this is Gray and my brother Cole" Chelsea smiled holding her hand out for him to shake which he happily did.
"Could any of you show me to the administration office?" he asked.
"I will, I have to head there anyway, I have to see Ms Rodriguez about any extra clubs that will boost my college resume" she explained. Chelsea turned to her brother.
"Be good!" she glared at him. Chelsea knew what her brother was thinking. How hard could he hit Owen until he died.
"I'll see you after school" Chelsea called leading Owen through the front doors. Gray turned to Cole.
"I don't like him" he said bluntly.
"I don't like that he touched my little sister" Cole growled.

Chelsea opened door and held it open for Owen.
"Thanks" he smiled walking in.
"Chelsea!" Ms Monroe called from behind the desk.
"What can I help you with dear?" she asked.
"I'm here to see Mr Rodriguez" Chelsea said.
"Take a seat dear" Ms Monroe smiled.
Owen introduced himself to Ms Monroe and she told him to take a seat while she searched for his class list.
"So any unspoken rules I should know about?" Owen asked turning to Chelsea who sat beside him.
Chelsea opened her mouth to say the rule everyone knew. 'If you're a boy stay 3 metres away from her at all times' but she stopped herself she liked Owen, he seemed nice and she wasn't ready to scare him off just yet.
"Don't eat the sloppy Jo's in the caferteria" she whispered earning a chuckle from Owen.
"Noted" he nodded. No one but Gray made her feel the way Owen was making her feel. The fluttery feeling in her stomach that made her want the floor to swallow her whole.
"Chelsea, if this is about extra credit for your college application, I can not legally put you in anything else" Mr Rodriguez started as he walked out of his office. His big belly was covered by a red knit sweater, he wore khaki pants and a pair of white sneakers. His fashion taste was awful.
"But hear me out" Chelsea started standing from her seat.
"Fine, but don't make me regret putting you in the debate team" he sighed following the blonde into his office. She took a seat on her usual chair and looked around his office. Nothing had changed since last semester, the same fat poster on the wall, the same photo frame that had a picture of his two cats and the same orange cat bobble head.
"I want to know what I can do to make it easier for college selections" Chelsea explained.
"Colleges are?" Mr Rodriguez asked.
"Princeton is my number 1 preference, then Harvard, then Columbia" Chelsea said.
"Academically these are the best colleges in the country" Mr Rodriguez stated.
"Meaning my brother has no chance of getting in" Chelsea smiled.
"Keep your grade average at 4.0 and you'll do just fine" he concluded. Chelsea rolled her eyes.
"So there is nothing else I can do?" She asked.
"What if I start volunteering in the library?" She thought.
"Sorry kiddo" the teacher shrugged getting up from his old batted leather chair and walking to the door.
"Thanks for the help sir" she sighed walking past Owen as she left the office. Chelsea made her way to her locker and pulled out her English text book. A slam on the locker beside her made her jump. There stood her older brother a large scowl spread across his face.
"Shit Cole, you scared me!" Chelsea exclaimed shutting her locker.
"Whatever is going on with you and the new kid, end it. Now!" He demanded.
"I can do whatever the hell I like and whoever the hell I like, stay out of my business!" Chelsea glared at her brother. The vein in his neck popped out and his fists were squeezed tightly shut.
"What are you going to do Cole? Bash me up until I give in like you've done with half of the guys in our school?" Chelsea asked raising an eyebrow.
"I'm old enough to make my own decisions, respect it or don't, I don't care" she shrugged.
"Answer me one question?" He asked before she could turn on her heel.
"What?" Chelsea asked.
"Did or is there currently something going on between you and Gray?" He asked.
Chelsea could spot Gray across the hall overhearing their whole conversation.
"He's your best friend Cole, I'd never do that to you" Chelsea mumbled quietly fiddling with her textbook.
"Not even in Europe?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Cole wouldn't ask questions like this unless he knew.
"I kissed Gray once in Paris, the day I was feeling unwell, he cane in and asked if I was okay and I kissed him" Chelsea shrugged.
Cole looked over at Gray shooting glares at the back of his head.
"BUT" Chelsea stated catching her brothers attention.
"He told me he would never go there and that was that, I know it was a mistake and so does he and that's the end of it" Chelsea explained.
"And that's the end of it?" Cole asked.
"Of course" Chelsea nodded. Chelsea wanted to look at Gray at his perfectly sculpted face, but Cole would know it wasn't the end of it.
"I'm sorry I never told you, I just thought we had dealt with it and that's that" Chelsea explained.

From being a goody too shoes to lying to her brothers face. Chelsea just started a whole lot of drama that she doesn't even realise. This year is going to end in tears.

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