Chapter 6

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Chelsea had never felt hated before, especially not by the whole school. Keisha started avoiding her as much as she could and Chelsea finally understod why. Chelsea wasn't popular anymore, she didn't have a status at school. After a week passed, school wasn't getting any easier. Cole still hadn't come home, Chelsea hadn't spoken to Cole or Gray since her big speech and if he walked through that door she didn't know what she would say. The sound of high heels clipping downstairs caught Chelsea's attention. Chelsea hurried downstairs to find her mother standing in the doorway smiling at her. 
"I'm home" she smiled with her arms wide open. Chelsea was still heartbroken after her mother stood her up, but she had no one to talk to and sometimes a girl just needs her mom. Chelsea felt tears run down her cheeks and she ran into her mother's arms. 
"I haven't been gone for that long have I?" her mother asked. Chelsea's tears were staining the perfect Chanel pantsuit. Her mother's long blonde hair was pulled in a low pony tail. 
"What's the matter?" she asked wrapping her arms around her daughter. 
"Cole did a really bad thing" Chelsea mumbled choking on her own breath that was caught in her throat. 

Chelsea sat beside her mother at the kitchen table, a mug of steaming tea sat in front of both of them. Chelsea began to explain the moment Owen arrived, then finding him under the bleachers and her arguments with her brother. 
"And Gray helped him?" she asked shocked. Chelsea wanted to tell her mom all about Gray, how amazing and loved he made her feel. The butterflies he still managed to give her in the halls, but instead she bit her tongue and just nodded. Chelsea explained the speech she had given to the crowd of students that stood beside Owen's car. 
Sussanne McFarlene stared at her daughter for a minute before pulling her into a hug. 
"I am so proud of you" she whispered in her daughters ear. "I'm so sorry this happened baby" Sussanne sobbed. "I should have been here!" she cried. "I know it seems so hard right now, dealing with the bullying you're recieving, but you did the right thing!" she said squeezing her daughters hand. 
"If I did the right thing, why am I being punished?" Chelsea asked looking up at her mom. 
"Because the right thing isn't always the easiest thing to do, but you did it anyway" her mother told her. "I guess it's you learning an important life lesson" her mother nodded forcing a smile at her daughter. 
"What a shitty life lesson" Chelsea rolled her eyes making her mother chuckle. Sussanne stood from her seat and began her walk out of the kitchen. 
"I'll be back, stay here" she called. 

After almost an hour of waiting, Chelsea heard the front door open from her bedroom. 
Chelsea ran to the top of the stairs and watched her mother drag in two boys. Sussanne had Gray and Cole both by the ears, they were both hunched over as she dragged them through the door. Chelsea and Cole's mother was the nicest lady around but you never get on her bad side. 
"Your little sister has been in tears over what you did, over what you allowed to happen!" she yelled letting go of both of their ears and slamming the front door shut. Both boys stood up straight. Gray didn't look to Chelsea, instead he looked at his shoes. While Cole crossed his arms over his chest with an emotionless look spread over his face. 
"You were meant to look after her!" Sussanne exclaimed. "And you failed!" she added. "Look at her!" she ordered him. Cole looked over at Chelsea, her eyes were red and puffy, she looked as if she had lost weight and her skin was pale. "I'm talking to you too Grayson!" Sussanne growled. Gray lifted his eyes finally and when they met Chelsea's he almost seemed broken. 
"She was the one who defended him" Cole scoffed. 
"I didn't raise you like this Cole!" Sussanne snapped. 
"That's because you were never here" he growled rolling his eyes. 
"I did everything I could!" she argued. 
"But you were still never here!" he screamed. 
"We raised eachother, we stood by each other!" he defended. 
"Until four days ago" Chelsea swallowed. Her voice was quiet, but the room was dead silent and everyone heard. Chelsea looked at the time. It was 4:15pm. 
Chelsea grabbed the keys from her pocket and began to walk downstairs. 
"Where are you going?" Cole asked. 
"Owen's getting released from hospital today and I promised him and his mom that I would be there" Chelsea explained. 
"Wow you feel that bad for a guy" Cole scoffed. 
"No Cole, I like this guy and guess what, I'm going on a date with him tomorrow" Chelsea shrugged standing up to her big brother. "You can get as many of the cheerleaders as you want to bully me, but that is not going to change!" Chelsea growled. At the same time both Sussanne and Gray turned to Cole. 
"You did what?" they both asked at the same time. 

Chelsea gave her mother a hug and turned towards the garage door. Gray stood in between. They both seemed too angry to look at eachother but not angry enough to say something. Until Chelsea mumbled the words.
"Have something to say?" she asked. 
"That bruised rib he has, yeah I did that" Gray shrugged with his player smirk spread across his face. 
"Yeah I bet, you've done a lot of things haven't you Grayson" she smirked back. Gray's smirk disappeared and he went quiet. 
"Yeah that's what I thought" she glared. Chelsea moved around him and opened the garage door. 

Gray and Cole sat in Cole's bedroom, both on the couch facing the tv watching an old state football game. 
"She deserves him" Gray mumbled. 
"Excuse me?" Cole shot back with a raised eyebrow warning him on what he says next. 
"What if he treats her good Cole?" he asked his best friend. 
"She deserves so much more, nobody who uses her, or leaves her, or treats her like crap" Gray started. "She deserves everything life has to offer, and we both know that we can't give that to her, you can't keep her locked in a bubble for the rest of her life, she's smarter then both of us put together" Gray chuckled. 
"And what if he uses her and treats her like shit?" Cole asked. 
"Then we'll be there to pick up the pieces and we've already sent the guy to hospital. we can just do it again" Gray shrugged. Cole smiled at the last part of the sentence. 
"You need to get those cheerleaders off of her and I'll find out what is going on with Keisha" Gray ordered.
"Why?" Cole asked. 
"Because we owe it to her, don't you think?" Gray asked. The two of them raced downstairs nearly running straight into Sussanne. 
"Where are you two going?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. 
"To fix things" Gray answered. 
"I want you both home by 6:30, we are having guests for dinner" she ordered them before turning on her heel and heading back into the kitchen. 

Gray pulled into the small two story houses driveway. An old SUV sat outside, close behind a familiar BMW, followed by Gray's dodge. The front door opened and Keisha crossed her arms over her chest. 
"What are you doing here?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest. Keisha moved off the porch and met him half way, in the middle of the lawn. 
"I want to know why the hell you of all people have left Chelsea in the dark" he ordered. 
"And you of all people get to ask that?" she asked with a harsh glare. 
"She's your best friend! She stuck by you through everything with your brother! Who's family bought you that car?" he asked looking at the BMW. 
"You don't think I know that?" she asked. 
"I'm protecting your dirty little secret!" she snapped back. 
"What are you saying?" he asked raising an eyebrow. Keisha took a deep breath, her arms tightened closer around her and she looked back making sure none of her family were listening before turning back to him. 
"Chelsea told me" she mumbled.

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