Chapter 3

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With her lie over with, Chelsea wondered to her next class.
"Nice lie" a deep voice startled her.
"Do you want him to know the truth?" Chelsea asked turning to Gray.
"You lied to his face like it was nothing" he mumbled.
"Maybe you're not as innocent as I thought McFarlane" he stated.
"You don't even know the half of it" she whispered before disappearing down the hall. Gray was in a lot of trouble with that blonde 5'3 girl. A lot of trouble. Gray could already see the trouble he was getting into but she was like an addiction he wasn't ready to give up. Not just yet anyway.

English literature was fun. Danni some how got into the ap class and took the seat beside Chelsea before anyone else could.
"So how was Europe?" He asked making conversation while they began to read the first chapter of the text book. There was muffled whispers throughout the class but Danni wasn't one to be quiet he spoke in a normal tone not caring about the glare he was receiving from Mrs Edwards.
"It was good" Chelsea nodded not bothering to look up from her book.
"That's it?" He asked seeming disappointed. Chelsea just nodded and moved on from the subject.
The classroom door opened and everyone looked up from their books. Owen stepped through the door. A few girls whispered and began to twirl their hair and Chelsea rolled her eyes, she would never try that hard for a guy.
"Name?" Mrs Edwards asked.
"Owen Hanson, sorry I'm late Mr Rodriguez wouldn't stop telling me about his cats" Owen scrunched up his nose as the word 'cat' fell off his tongue. The class burst into giggles and Mrs Edwards just shrugged at the comment.
"Daniel move to the back, Owen move next to Ms McFarlane" she ordered.
Danni began to argue but before he could get his point across she cut him off.
"Next time you want to speak in my class about your summer, think about this moment" she glared at him. Danni knew Cole would be furious at him for letting another guy especially Owen Hanson sit next to Chelsea.
"Hey" Owen smiled at her.
"Long time no see" she smiled back.
"Well I found it the hardest 10 minutes of my life, I don't know about you" he shrugged. This made Chelsea burst into giggles.
"Ma McFarlane" Mrs Edwards called from her desk. Chelsea quickly shut up and buried her head back in her book. Chelsea hurried to Advanced calculus after her English class leaving behind Owen and Danni. After switching her books she spotted Gray in the hall. She caught up to him having to overtake people in the halls. When she finally reached him she grabbed at his arm. He seemed almost startled by her touch.
"Ready for calculus?" She asked.
"I have to go do something first I'll meet up with you" he stated, he had that same no emotion face on and it had her suspicious.
"What are you doing?" Chelsea asked.
"None of your business" he glared at her. Gray had never glared at her or given her attitude the way he was right now.
"Whatever Gray" she rolled her eyes stopping at the open classroom door.
Mr Ferris stood at the board, his back was turned as he wrote ADVANCED CALCULUS on the board.
"Welcome to advanced calculus" he welcomed everyone. Mr Ferris was an overweight teacher. He was only young and was still unmarried. He always smiled at every student in the hall and always liked Chelsea although most teachers always did.
"We are still missing two students, Owen Hanson and Gray McCoy" Mr Ferris stated. On any other day Chelsea would stick up for Gray but after the way he treated her, she was happy to let him get a detention.
The door opened and Gray walked in not even glancing at Mr Ferris. He stared directly at Chelsea and she was his only focus. Taking the seat beside her and slamming his book on the desk, this action made her jump. Chelsea had known Gray most of her life and the last time he acted like this he was dealing drugs.
"Where were you?" Chelsea asked. Gray didn't respond he just stared straight at the board.
"Gray?" Chelsea asked. He ignored her once again. She scowled at him and turned to the board. After starting everyone on the first set of questions in the textbook, Mr Ferris made his way to the table of the silent pair.
"Chelsea, you know Owen Hanson?" Mr Ferris asked. Chelsea nodded.
"Can you go have a look around the school for him, he may have gotten lost" he whispered not wanting to disturb the other students. Chelsea nodded and hurried out of the class.

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