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I tapped my fingers on my steering wheel, looking up at my lake house. I knew Steve Rogers was in my house, waiting for me to walk through the door, telling me he needed me for a mission. I hadn't seen him for a year now, but I knew damn well I would fall in love with him all over again.

I promised myself, in my drive way, in my car, that I wouldn't do it again. I would do this mission because Nat needed me. That was all that was going to happen. After that I would go home and retire again, nothing else will be needed from me.

 As I walked up to my front door, I saw Steve sitting on the dock leading towards the lake. I just huffed, taking off my jacket and fixing my hair as I walked onto the dock. His eyes remained glued to the horizon where the sun was setting on the lake as I sat next to him.

"Hello, Mae."

"Steven." I said coldly, tucking my legs underneath me. "What brings you to my part of town?" He finally turned those damning eyes on me, they were filled with surprise.

"You cut your hair," he stated. I noticed his fingers twitching slightly, as if he wanted to touch it. "It used to be so long." The day he felt was the day I cut my long waves to a short bob. I did it in my bathroom, rage fueled tears in  my eyes as I hacked it away. I just kept it short ever since.

"What do you want, Rogers?" I turned my eyes toward the lake, my chest aching with hurt.

"Loki's scepter with the tesseract was stolen. We finally found its location in Sokovia, but the base is almost unbreakable." Steve stated and I just smiled bitterly.

"So the Avengers need Countessa." 

"I wouldn't ask unless I really needed you, Mae." My eyes finally met his and he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. "The Avengers." He clarified. "The Avengers need you."

"How long is the mission?" I asked, shifting my eyes back to the water.

"A day, maybe two."

"Would I have to see you often?"

I could that my question struck a raw nerve because be flinched slightly. "I could arrange it so you don't."

I huffed and stood up. "Then you have yourself a deal, Rogers." I walked off the dock and back towards the house. 

"Are you saying yes?" Steve was on my trail in an instant.

"No one should have the Tesseract but the Avengers. Even I can't stand their leader." I walked in, but he stopped at the door. I turned and raised an eyebrow. "You need an invitation in, Dracula?"

He stepped in the door, looking into the room. "I don't understand that reference."

"I figured you wouldn't," I replied, walking towards my workshop. "I have to get some supplies then I'll pack some Countessa gear."

"Resources?" He asked as we walked into my workshop which was filled with shelves, then a small office space at the end.

"Potions and things." I grabbed a wicker basket and started taking bottles off the shelves. "Healing components, trackers, protection, that sort of thing. You know, I think it's a good thing you left, Steve. I really got into my family roots with magic."

There was a silence. "You're telling me that you're okay that I left?" His voice was slightly strained, but it was enough for me to pick up on.

I sighed and stopped in my tracks, turning to look at him so we were face to face. "Were you a dick for saying you loved me and then leaving within the same week? Yes. Did I want you stay if you weren't happy with me? Of course not."

His face turned sympathetic and I hated it. "Mae--"

"I've come to grips with it, Steve. I've moved on. I'm not your biggest fan, but I've moved on." I shrugged and turned back to the shelves. "Don't use that name with me. I'm a new person. I'm not your Mae anymore."

Hurt flashed in his eyes, but I barely was able to register it in time. "Okay, Maeve." The name felt foreign and strange coming from his mouth, but we both knew it was for the best. I turned back and continued grabbing ingredients off the shelves.

It felt strangely familiar when Steve followed me around my house as I picked up things that I needed for potions. I had really embraced my Countessa counterpart and had gotten multiple outfits for battle. For this trip, I packed the one that I wore while fighting the Winter Soldier along with night clothes, since it was only supposed to be a day.

He sat on my bed next to my bag as I packed, looking up at me with those damn puppy dog eyes. I looked at him and put my hands on my hips. "We should call a truce right here and now, Rogers." Relief crossed his features and a small smile turned up his perfect lips. "Obviously, I want this mission to go well, so we need to out our old emotions aside and keep everyone safe."

"What are you suggesting?" He asked and I pinched my mouth to one side.

"Hug it out?" I joked and he stepped into my space and pulled me into a hug. Steve sighed and rested his cheek on the top of my head as I cautiously put my arms around his midsection.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Maeve." He said softly.

"I know, Rogers." I sighed, patting his shoulder gently. "We're probably better off as friends anyway." If what I said bothered him, his body didn't give anything away. And that hurt more anything that has happened.

We finally let of each other and I cleared my throat. "Well, I feel better. Do you feel better?"

He nodded as I zipped my duffel. "A lot better, actually." He took the bag from me, like the gentleman he is, and swung it over his shoulder.

"You always were a big softie, Steve." I lightly hit his shoulder. "Are we friends?"

"We're friends." He confirmed. "Shall we go kick some ass, Countessa?" He gave me lopsided grin that filled my chest with longing.

I just smiled. "We shall."

unspoken thing |STEVE ROGERS 2|Where stories live. Discover now