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I couldn't control my mind, all I could think about was the pain. Nat had picked me up and put me at Clint's station so he could protect me. It was like a fire burning inside of me, much worse than before. Ultron must've manipulated it in some way.

I bit back as many screams as I could, but it hurt to even breathe. I couldn't cry, it would make everything worse. I yelled in pain and withered on the ground at Clint's feet. He kept talking to me about his house that he was renovating and missions he had been on, it helped. It kept my mind off of things.

The Maximoff girl was manipulating minds and I was stuck here, on the ground. That pain was probably worse than the serum. I couldn't imagine what I would feel if the boy had given me the full dosage. 

"Stirling, can you move?" Clint asked and I groaned in response.

"Help. Me. Up." I gritted through my teeth and he did, making me bite back a scream. I looked at my hand manifested a small ball of light in my hand. I would've sighed in relief if it didn't hurt so much.

He helped me walk and we saw Natasha, looking horrified and scared on a set of stairs. Clint tried reaching her, but it was no use.

"Natasha, I could really use a lullaby right now," Tony said over the comms.

"Well, that's not gonna happen. Not for a while." Clint got Natasha up, slinging one of her arms around his neck. "The whole team is down, you got no back up here." 

I pressed the comm. "Countessa is up. I just need a ride, Stark." I ground my teeth as I spoke, trying to give away how much pain I was in. "I can manipulate his thoughts, but that's all I can manage." I yelled in pain and made my way to the roof.

"Stark, don't listen to her, she's putting on a brave face. Stirling is down." Clint said over the comms as I felt the cold air on my face, making it onto the roof.

"Stirling might be down, Clint, but Countessa is up," I growled into the comm. "Pick me up, Stark."

"You got it, hot stuff." Suddenly, I was in the air in the arms of Tony's iron suit. "Let's keep this between us, I don't want Steve thinking anything wrong." I just scoffed, resting my head on his shoulder. "Maeve, your vitals are all over the place." 

"I figured as much," I replied. "Listen, not all of my powers work right now, just enough for you to throw me at Banner and hopefully keep him still long enough.

"I'm calling in Veronica." He stated and I just nodded. The Hulk had done enough damage that I knew all the Avengers were in trouble by the time we got there. Veronica got there just in time and Stark set me down as Veronica assembled a suit over the Ironman suit.

"Banner!" I yelled and the Hulk roared at me.

"Hot stuff, not a good idea, don't mention puny Banner." Hulk threw a car at me, but Tony dropped in front and caught it.

The world spun around me as they fought and I cleared everyone out that was on the ground. "Get back!" I yelled, making a show with golden tendrils, pushing people back. "I said, get back!"

"Stirling, I got the Hulk under wraps, now's your chance."

I launched myself at Tony and he caught me with one hand, then threw me at the Hulk. I wrapped my legs around his neck and squeezed. I placed my hands on his head and surged my power into Bruce's head.

"Go to sleep!"  I shouted and the Hulk collapsed.

And so did I.

✪ ✪ ✪

I woke up on the quinjet screaming and Steve's arm around me, yelling my name. My eyes snapped open to his face, tears pooling in his baby blue eyes. I grabbed the back of his neck and hugged him close to me, pain searing through my body.

I just kept sobbing and he held me tight against him. Steve stroked my hair and whispered in my ear sweet nothings to calm me down. I calmed, but I was still shaking, clinging onto Steve for dear life.

"Banner," I rasped. "Where's Banner?" I didn't let Steve speak as I stumbled out of his arms and towards Bruce. I fell to my knees beside him and wrapped him in a hug. "Are you okay?"

He gave me a tight squeeze. "I should be asking you that, Stirling." I put him at arm's length.

"That was that little bitch witch. Not you, not the other guy." I held out my pinky while swaying slightly. "Promise me that, Bruce." He weakly hooked his pinky in mine and I nodded. I tried to get to my feet but failed, yelling out in pain again. Steve was by my side in an instant, picking me up and carrying me to a seat. He sat down, me on his lap and resting my head on his shoulder.

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." Maria Hill's voice came through the radio. "I mean, people are loving Countessa. They think she was working to fight against the Hulk, not with him. I assume it's because she's not apart of the Avengers Initiative."

"Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asked.

"Already on the scene. How's the team?" She asked and there was a pause before Tony answered.

"Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off."

"Nice way of saying we lost," I muttered and Steve held me close to him again. "I almost lost you." I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"You didn't," He replied, threading his fingers into my hair. "And you won't. Not ever again." I sat up and looked him in the eyes.

"Do you promise me?" I asked softly. "Can you promise you'll never sneak out in the night again and I won't have a moment of panic when I wake up and you're not there?"

"I promise you." Steve's blue eyes looked haunted but determined. And I trusted those eyes.

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