"You're going to be just fine, Barton." I said, sprinkling a healing potion on his wound. He just looked up at Natasha lazily.

"I like her magic drugs," He whispered loudly and I laughed, wavering on my feet. My suit was soaked from snow and I was covered in dirt and soot from explosions. We had been flying for ten minutes now and I felt like I was going to crash.

"You okay, newbie?" Nat asked and I just nodded, plopping down next to Steve, adrenaline dying down.

"I told you to bring an extra suit." Steve's voice was filled with amusement and I just glared at him.

"Thor, report on the Hulk?" Natasha asked and Thor turned around, smiling bright like a puppy dog.

"The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims," he said triumphantly and Natasha whipped around, clearly in shock about what he had said as Banner groaned in despair. I let out a breathy laugh, but started to shiver. "Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout."

I would've laughed of his failure of a recovery, but I felt deep exhaustion tugging at my body.

"Lady Maeve!" Thor exclaimed, rushing to me and draping his heavy cape onto my shoulders. "By the gods, you're shivering." He pulled me into his side and wrapped his arms around me, keeping me so warm I melted into him.

"Thank you, Thor." I whispered, my head on his chest and my eyes closed.

"Am I the only one here concerned about Lady Maeve?" He thundered, shaking the quinjet. "She hasn't used her power in combat for years, she is soaked to the bone, and saved all of our lives at some points, yet you laugh?"

Steve looked at Natasha worriedly and she gave him the same look.

"The missile." Natasha said, standing up and making her way to me.

"What does that mean?" Tony asked, suddenly near me as well. "What happened to hot stuff and why is she draped all over Thor?"

"Banner, can you section off part of the medical bay and make it a heated pod?" He ran off to do what Steve asked and he sighed. "Maeve stopped a short range ballistic missile big enough to blow up an entire army boot camp with her powers. She was out for half a day."

I felt myself being carried into the pod and placed on a medical bed. Banner sat me up and I opened my eyes. Thor had left, it was just Nat and Steve.

"We need to get her out of her clothes," Bruce's voice was uncomfortable and that was his cue to leave. He quickly made his exit and I latched onto Steve's hand.

"Stay." I said simply, my eyes falling shut.

I felt a chaste kiss on my cheek. "Yell if you need me, newbie." Natasha said and I hear her walk out of the pod. Steve sat me up and his fingers struggled with the corset.

"I'm sorry, I've not good with--well, actually I've never--" He stumbled out as he finally slipped it off, making it fall to the ground.

"Never taken off a woman's clothes before?" I inquired softly, drowsily looking up at him. His ears were a bright pink, along with his cheeks as he peeled my shirt off over my head. His cheeks turned more red, but he quickly gave me his shirt from his bag, tugging it over my head.

"No. I haven't." He replied. His eyes kept on my face, never lingering anywhere they didn't need to be. 

"Well, I'll be damned, a ninety five year old virgin." I scoffed and he shook his head, letting out a soft chuckle.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" He said as his fingers worked the button and zipper on my pants. I cleared my throat as he slid off my wet pants.

"Tired." He adjusted his shirt over me so that everything was covered and out of sight. The perfect gentleman. "Do you think you can fit in this bed with me?"

He smirked. "I could, but we'd be very close." I scooted over as much as I could and he looked a little surprised, but climbed into the medical bed with me. I laid on his chest, our legs tangled together and another wave of exhaustion hit me and my eyes sank closed.

"I bet you're imagining Thor instead of me right now," He joked, but it was strained and he followed it with a forced laugh. He pulled a blanket up to my chin, covering my whole body.

"Someone jealous?" I mumbled, nestling my head into the crook of his neck.

"Not currently." There was something in his voice that made my heart twinge. It was mixture of fondness and longing. I could hear it clear as day. I reached out and grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers.

"I don't want, Thor, Steven." I felt sleep tugging at my body, making my limbs heavy.

"You don't?" He asked. "I mean, he's quite the charmer with the whole 'you look like the goddess of beauty' stunt he pulled. Also, isn't that his aunt, kinda? That's weird, right?"

"Steve, I've only ever wanted you." I whispered, drifting to sleep. "It's always been you."

unspoken thing |STEVE ROGERS 2|Where stories live. Discover now