Here comes the downer

116 19 8

And nothing again
Rain, sun, and wind
But mainly sun
Has had its way
Not warm sun
As on a summer's day
That warms the face
But scorching sun
That set ablaze
The green and growing land
And turned fertility to rocks and sand
But mainly war
And that much more
Scores of armies that came and came
Why, Ishtar, did you not shield your fame?
Still there is nothing
Thousands of years have gone
But nothing was won
Nothing that wasn't devoured by time
Sand and ruins not worth a dime
What has once been a thunder roar,
Is but a whisper now
A whisper of wind through broken walls
Listen closely and you'll hear her calls –
if fear you will forget –
A tale of heroes, lovers, kings and queens
A tale of Nineveh
And Tigris ran red with blood
The blood of innocence
The blood of guilt
But it made no difference
Who's blood was spilled
Because foe and friend
Are broken and bent
Created, decoyed
Lacerated, destroyed
Leaving nothing but an empty void
Assyria has fallen down
Elam we grant neither smile nor frown
Babylon has gone forever
Even ancient Greece has joined the never
History we left behind
Some search and searching they will find
The faults and failures of our kind
"Barbaric," they say with empty eyes blind.
"But that was then," and, "Never mind."

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