By now you should've realized that these titles are meaningless... (Part one)

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Was sitting down there by track number Eight
I thought I was early but I was late
And so I was early and I had to wait
Down there alonely on track number Eight

Listened to music that I didn't hear
I saw her coming and she was so near
On Nine she sat down and I thought that we're
Born for each other as we were both here

Just shot her a glance so she won't get riled
Shot her another, felt wanton and wild
She glared back at me, felt ashen and biled
But the clouds parted and through them she smiled

I knew that she liked me, must have been right
Together we knew that we owned this night
To my dark heart she brought the light
I loved her so much my breathing grew tight

But the train came to whisk her away
I haven't seen her to this very day
Still I keep coming to track number Eight
I'm sure it will be worth all the wait.

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