Chapter 1

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It was on a spring filled day that my mom and I went to my grandfather's old antique shop down the street from our house. Our house was close to a lot of places, we were close to the store, a playground, my school, and of course, my grandfather's antique shop. He built a lot of nifty things in there. Cameras, umbrellas, mirrors, clocks, kitchen utensils, dressers, bed frames, and my favorite thing, dolls. I loved dolls, even if they were the creepy old ones, I loved them. My mother took me there and as she caught up with somethings with grandpa, I went to the toy section and looked at the dolls. Grandpa didn't like it when I touch them, so I just talked to them, what I did in school, where we went as a family, my problems, sometimes even for help on some situations I never understood.

One doll I loved was always on display. Luckily he wasn't for sale, he was an example on other toy dummy's my grandpa's friend would make. Grandpa said if I was good enough in school and home, he would make me a doll. I try my best and get A's and B's as my grades. I took out my folder and showed the toy my grades, my mama found me laughing and so did grandpa, I turn to see them and show them. Grandpa gave a shocked but proud smile. I told him I would try to be good. My mama was even proud, but sadly, the fun had to end. I said goodbye to the toys and other nifty things my saying

"Goodbye antique shop!" and we would leave.

Sadly, those memories would have to go. My mom died in an accident and it was just me and grandpa. He would still take me to the shop but it felt erie. But grandpa got sick when I was 11 and he passed away too. Soon after I got adopted by my two moms. They had an open relationship. So, I guess I had two dads as well. The new dads didn't hang out with me much because of jobs and i had a babysitter if everyone had to go to work. I was always homeschooled since. I had now been enrolled to an online high school and I am also now 16 and I worked as a helper with my mom Nora in her antique shop. Soon enough I got a step sister, Yumi. She was shy around me until she got use to me and we always were together. Normally she was always happy, but she has been down. I never knew why. But as we were in the living room, we were decorating the tree. It was almost Christmas and that was when I saw her truly smile again.

It was a christmas morning when I found a box in my room, parents were at work and I don't know why a box was even in my room instead out under the tree. I see the box closely for any tags and found it. It was a christmas gift for me, from my grandfather. I hesitated for a moment, he promised he would make me a doll if I was well. I soon opened the box and found a dummy toy. As I picked it up and as the sun hit the toy I recognized the toy. Tears trickled down my cheeks. It was the same toy I had talked to about everything happening. Even about mom's death. I held him in my arms and began to cry.

"I missed you so much!!" I cried to the toy.

I soon see a note with my name on it in such neat handwriting. I opened the card and read it. As I read the letter I began to smile again. I look at the doll and read the note to him as well. I picked him up on my lap and started to read him the note my grandfather had left for both of us to read.

Dear Y/n,
I had always been proud at what you have done. Even though your mother had passed away, Ivan has said you could have Paris the Puppet. He was built in 1932. Please be careful with him. Luckily just ask your mother Nora to bring him to her shop and He'll be fixed up. I know Paris will protect you. I miss you my sweet tart.
Love, Your grandfather.

"Paris, huh? What a great name for you!" I said to Paris. I soon got tired and picked up Paris and walked to my bed and layed paris down under my covers. I placed the box near the end of my dresser and put the note card on my desk. I turn off the lights and crawl into bed. I held paris close and calmly. I didn't want to break him, I wanted to make sure he's okay. Once I closed my eyes I spoke to Paris once more before fully falling asleep. "Night Paris..." I felt more and more drifting away from reality and I found things to be dark.
I woke up and sat up stretching out my body from a long night's sleep. As I sit up to get ready for the day, I felt around my bed and I felt a cold hand. It didn't seem like a doll's hand, more like a person's. I turn to my side and found Paris looking like my age, sleeping in my bed. I freaked out and screamed as I took my pillow to his face. I could hear him struggling and he soon grabbed my arms and as he sat up, he slightly pushed me off him. My pillow fell to the ground and as Paris was sitting up, he gave me a glare of disappointment.

"You know that's rude, right?" He looked at me. I couldn't help but feel hot. But I was also confused.

"How...are you......" I barely managed to finish my sentence and he turned to the door. We both hear a knock. It had to be my mother Nora or my step sister Yumi.

"Y-Y/ okay..??" It was Yumi. I didn't want her to look in the room so I made up a quick lie.

"Yes I'm fine. I just fell off my bed this morning. I'm not hurt okay!?" I called out to her, she gave an okay and we heard her footsteps walk away until they were quiet and heard a door open and close. I let out a sigh of relief and looked back at Paris. He tilts his head and gave me a strange smile.

"Well thank you for lying to her but might I add I do remember you Y/n." Paris looks at me with such red eyes. They were just like me and Yumi's. I realized that we were both still in an awkward position. His hands were still against my wrists and I was on top of him. I became red and quickly backed off him. I was now sitting at the edge of my bed while Paris was looking at me oddly.

"Why are you flustered all of a sudden? He asked.

"No reason....just I'm confused are you here and...alive?? I thought you and the other toys were gone for good." I was trying to get my brain to think properly.

"Well, to put it easily. Before Ivan put all of the toys in boxes. He put me in a gift box. Saying that he would give me away as promised for your grandfather's absence. So, as he put me in the box, he even put the note your grandfather wrote when he was still at the shop. I dont know where they both are now, but since Ivan is my creator, he mostly has the power to create anything. So, one day he found out his lovely looking toys were evil so he made me, a monster looking puppet but I am a polite toy, I protect instead of harming."

"So, cute toys like I saw did the opposite of what they were created to do??"

"Yes." He gave me a smile then the door opened with yumi running inside panting. There was no time for paris to turn to normal so when she saw him she nearly tried to warn me until I calmed her down.

"So-so, he's not like the other one..." Yumi asked.

"Yes, dont worry. He won't harm us, but what do you mean by other sis??"

Yumi began to shake and finally breathed and spoke. "The...teddy...bear...Nora"

Paris flitnched and began to walk toward the door. Yumi tried to warn him, but opened the door and kicked the giant bear that looked like a man eating thing. Paris grabbed a knife out of his back and rushed to the bear and slashed it into peices. He picked up the toy's head and ripped it in half.

"Sis...who is he..." Yumi asked concerned.

Paris turned to us and put the knife away. He began to bow down and stood back up with a smile.

"My apologies, my name us Paris the puppet. I was created in 1932. I was created to stop these dumb toys my fool of a creator made."

Caring Puppet Paris x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat