Chapter 3

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Paris' POV

I felt Y/n grip onto my shirt tighter. I sighed in defeat. I knew that I couldn't hide anything from this woman. I turn my head to Y/n and she seemed to be shaking.

"Y/n...are you alright..."

She stayed silent knowing that she wanted my honest answer. I sighed.

"No...I'm not fine Y/n..."


"....I....I honestly don't know. I guess...Because it has been years since I've seen you. Your mother passing and now your grandfather. It's been getting at my head trying to figure out how to stop almost all of Ivan's creations...."

Y/n was silent for a moment. I guess her hearing her mother and grandfather really kept her silent. I felt kinda bad for speaking about them. I should have realized that it wasn't a good time either. She soon loosened her grip on me. I turned around to see her face covered in tears. It put me in shock that I made her cry.

"Y/n- i..I'm sorry-"

I cupped her face in my hands. I wiped her tears as she soon cried louder. I looked at her. I was...I was upset with myself. I made her cry. I pulled Y/n into my arms and began to hug her. We stayed in a hugging position for a bit until she calmed down. I look down at her, as her face was now covered with dry tear markings. I never liked seeing her cry. She cried when her mother died. It made me very upset. She was always a cheerful girl. I grabbed a tissue paper and wiped her face. She slowly grabbed my hand and she wiped her tears.



"I know it's not your fault of bringing up mom and grandpa...I still miss them....but...when I was alone in the orphanage, I couldn't sleep because I had nightmares you were tossed away or broken..."

I was back into shock mode. I put my hands over my shoulders ask im ng her to fully look at me. She kept looking away a few times until she stayed looking at me.

"Now why on earth would you have such dreams about that?"

"I...I was scared... you were my favorite doll out of all the toys there. I was always happy and more confident to talk to yuh out than anyone really...when grandpa passed away, I was scared something bad was gonna happen to you...."

I lifted her chin n to fully look at her. Her bright red eyes were twinkling as the sun hit them from her bedroom window. I smiled at her.

"Y/n...What do you see right now?"


"And who did you see back then?"

"You Paris..."

I smiled, leaned in and kissed her head.

"That's right...Y/n...I won't be leaving you any time soon. Okay? I'll always be here to protect you. No matter what. I promise that. Your you, your mother, and grandfather...."

Y/n looked up at me surprised but soon smiled she wrapped her arms around me tight and hugged me. She was now happy again. I was now pleased know ggv I got that smile back. The smile she had since she was born.
Yumi's POV

I was wondering how Y/n and Paris were doing. Lily came up to me and asked if I wanted to go somewhere before they take me back home. I looked our at the sun. It was starting to set right now. I turn over to lilly and shook my head. I grabbed Lilly's hand and I said goodbye to Iris before we walked out heading back home. As the street lights turned on, I noticed someone looking out of Y/n's window. It was Paris! Lilly didn't seem to notice. I gave her a hug before Y/n opened the door and paid Lilly for Nora since she and Atsuko weren't home yet. I walked inside and Y/n was cooking dinner. It smelled amazing!!

"What are you cooking??"

"Pasta and beef. With some vegetables. To make it heathly for you. Hopefully Nora and Atsuko come back soon..."

Y/n continued to stir the pasta and began mixing the beef in with it. She started to thaw the veggies and I was surprised how she was able to focus on two things. Well, three counting me...and four counting Paris. I wasn't still that comfortable with Paris, unless Sis was around. It would just be awkward with just us..He still scared me a lot, but knowing he saved me from my teddy bear. I was trusting him with our lives at least. We heard footsteps walk down the stairs. I turn to see Paris and Y/n was still cooking. She soon noticed Paris from the corner of her eye.

"Hey, Paris."

"Hello Y/n...hello Yumi"

Paris tilted his head with a warm smile. I knew he had a kind heart. Even though, I dont think he does. He shows he can have one.


I smiled. Y/n grabbed out a plate and started to serve dinner. I turn over to Paris.

"Are you hungry? Or...can you not eat??"

"Sadly I dont eat. But doesn't mean I can't."

Y/n turned to us. She asked if would like to  join us. I nodded. I didn't mind him eating with us. Soon we heard the locks turn on the front door. Paris turned to his toy form and hopped on the counter and sat there like a doll. Nora came inside from working at the antique shop.

"Wow what smells delicious!"

"Beef pasta, and vegetables."

Nora hugged me and then hugged Y/n  and pat Paris' head. I smiled in awe that he got affection too.

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