1; uber

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"i'm going out with patrick and pete today," tyler informed his roommate as he walked in through the door.

"we were supposed to watch a movie!" josh complained, poking his head in the living room, where tyler had thrown himself on the sofa. "you've been going out so much lately."

"is it a problem for you?" tyler asked, looking at josh with a crooked eyebrow.

"well yes! we have done barely nothing for the past month!"

"jesus, you're making it sound like we're something more than friends! can you stop doing this all the time?!" tyler snapped. "you're acting like we're dating, josh! all the time! i know you're gay and whatever, and it's not an issue, but this is!"

"wow," josh muttered, leaving the room and shaking his head.

tyler sighed but stayed in his place. maybe he was a bit too harsh. but, then again, he was being honest. he just had slight issues with being too blunt towards people. tyler's phone dinged, and as he picked it up he saw it was a message from pete telling him to 'get his ass downstairs and into the car'. he did as told and he and his friends were off to whatever bar they were going to this time.


"you should put yourself out there, tyler! meet some chicks and whatnot!" pete exclaimed after his fifth drink of the night. "c'mon!"

"i'd rather not, pete," tyler sighed, swirling a straw around his iced tea. he didn't really even like drinking, so he didn't know why he was out again. maybe he should've listened to josh, after all. "it's not really my kind of scene."

"but that's exactly the thing, it should be," pete said. "i mean, if i was you and had your face.."

"it's cool as it is, i don't need someone."

"whatever you say, i guess."


"tyler, woah, maybe you should stop drinking!" patrick said as tyler stumbed towards him with a cocktail in his hand. "here, let me take that."

"i-i'm hav-having a wonderf-ful time! i c-can't remember anything!" tyler stuttered, smiling widely. his brain was a psychedelic mess, but that was better than the depressive mess it had been an hour ago.

"yeah, that's not good," patrick sighed. "i'll get you an uber."

"t-thanks, patrick, patrick, is it patrick?"

patrick didn't reply to tyler's slurring, but instead ordered an uber and went outside the bar with him to wait.

after awhile a slick black car rolled into view and patrick ushered tyler towards the vehicle. he watched tyler stumble in but didn't dare help him, knowing well he'd most likely get angry. tyler opened the car door and looked starstruck for a moment, before getting in and pulling the door shut. patrick shook his head and headed back inside to find his kind-of boyfriend.

"josh! oh, josh, i missed you!" tyler sighed as he opened the car door and saw his red-headed best friend on the driver's seat. "i love you."

"um, tyler, maybe yo-ou, s-should, uh, sh-shut up," josh stumbled, squeezing the steering wheel. "y-you're really drunk."

"oh, it's wonderful, i tell you, wonderful," tyler quietly slurred, still staring at josh with dreamy eyes. "you're more wonderful."

josh sighed as he felt his face turn red and hot. he started the car without a word and started getting both him and his intoxicated friend home.




"will you come and sleep with me?" tyler questioned, staring at josh for what felt like the thousandth time during the car drive. 

"t-tyler, i-i-," josh tried, his face heated and hands shaking.



"josh, please."

"f-f-fine," josh mumbled, quickly looking at tyler. he was really handsome. like really, really handsome. and he did want to date him. but still.

"thanks," tyler grinned, clasping his hands together on his lap.

silence fell for a few moments.

"josh, i-," tyler started, suddenly all serious. "i'm.."


"i'm, u-um, i.. i didn't a-actually drink. like, at a-all."



"are you sure?" josh asked, looking at tyler.

tyler simply nodded his head, not daring to look at josh.

"so, d-do you, um..?"

"do i what?"

"i-... actually, nevermind."

"josh.." tyler sighed, turning to look at the boy, whose face was almost as red as his hair.

"d-do you like m-me? at a-all?"

tyler fell quiet for a moment.

"i might, i don't know, i reall- what are you doing? why are we stopping?"

"just shut up, okay?" josh replied, stopping the car at a bus stop and turning to tyler. tyler looked at him with a confused expression. josh simply leaned forward and gave tyler a soft, small kiss. he was really nervous.

"o-oh, um.." tyler whispered after a few minutes had rolled by from the kiss.


"i-i, i think, i think m-maybe i do like y-you a bit," tyler stuttered with his face red. that might've been a lie. he might've liked josh a ton.

a/n; this is terrible, but whatever. anyways, i take requests, so if you have some, don't be afraid to send them to me! thanks for reading, and if you're new, i have a couple fanfics, so feel free to check 'em out.

oneshots // joshlerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora