7; become something

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'i don't want to become famous. i just wanna make it.'

'we both know that isn't true.'


'oh yes, bet indeed.'

'you don't believe me. you never do!'

'i know how you're like. you can't live without all the extra attention from unknown people.'


'and besides. to make it, you'll have to be famous. otherwise there's just no money coming out of it.'


'see, i told you!'

'told me what..?'

'you did want to be famous.'

'i didn't! it's just a side-effect.'

'you practically glow every time someone recognizes you, though.'

'i didn't ever want to become famous.'

'what did you want then?'



'i'm going home now.'

rustling of the cushions of the couch.

'no, don't go..'

'i'm going.'

shoes being put on.


'i'm losing you. let me do it my own way.'


'i'm serious. i'm sorry.'

'will you let me fucking speak!'


'thank you!'

a nod.

'why didn't you ever tell me?'

'you wanted me to become something. the only thing i ever wanted was to become yours.'

'i wish you had told me earlier.'

'i didn't want to ruin the dynamic.'

shoes padding across the living room carpet.

'it wouldn't have been ruined.'

'you don't know that.'

'yes i do.'

'no you don't.'

'i do!'


eyes meeting another pair of eyes.

'you're telling me we would have been the same?'

'i'm not.'

'see, dynamic changed.'

'shut up.'


'just shut up.'

'make me.'

and he did. the red-haired boy surely did.

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