Chapter 8

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I don't know but I pictured your reactions to this chapter similar to the photo above/side :D

I don't know if you guys were expecting this to happen in the chapter or not.

Melonie's POV:

That idea sounded disgusting to me but I would do it to get my Lukey back. I hadn't planned it all out. Luke must be in the pack prison and Alpha Smitt would be at the pack house and there was a lot distance between both the buildings.

I quickly changed into a bright floral dress and flats, I added slight make up so my plan would work. I got in my car and reached the Pack house in a few minutes.

I entered the pack house and saw the Beta (Jake Rolden) come out of the kitchen so I asked him if I could talk to the Alpha.

"Sure Luna. He'd let you come to his office anytime. Just wait if someone is inside." He said as he led me to the Alpha's office.

"Don't call me Luna" I said through gritted teeth and irritation was evident in my voice.

He opened the office doors and I walked inside while he closed the doors while going outside.

Alpha Smitt sat at his desk and when he saw me his face brightened up and a smile made it's way to his face.

"Have a seat Melonie" he said.

I shook my head and walked towards him. I leaned in to kiss his cheek but he moved his face and my lips made contact with his soft lips. His arms wrapped around my waist and like me into his lap. He was the only one enjoying the kiss and he was the only one kissing me. I had stopped moving my lips and held them shut as he tried to open them.

"Mel, that was wonderful" he said.

I calmed myself so my plan couldn't be destroyed by my anger.

"Brandon " I said with fake emotions in my voice. Trying to be sweet with him was hard work.

"Yes my darling "

"Brandon, I like you and I think we have a chance to be together. Maybe spend ye rest of the life time together. Have fun, do stuff we never imagined of doing like go to places we've never been to and enjoy our life time together. I believe we are mates and we are meant to be together. Maybe its time for me to forget about Luke and think about you. I'm sorry that I was with Luke but I thought I would never find my mate and Luke would be the best to marry. I believed in soul mates but I always thought mine would be ugly or some play boy. But I never thought it would be you. So Hot(*_*) so Handsome, someone like a gentleman , someone who was worth of having good people around him, someone who is so caring, someone who waited for their mate, so Strong, with muscles and abs that I couldn't even imagine my mate having. So why not give us a chance ? " I said trying to make it all sound like it was true and it was what I wanted but I knew that all the stuff I said to him was a big fat Lie.

"Yes my Melonie In going to give us all the chances in this world and we're meant to be together, I already Love you. I love you from the first time I laid my eyes on you." He said while leaning in to kiss me.

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