Chapter Three

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We are still in Freddy's point of view, but that will change about halfway through the chapter.

Freddy's POV Continued:

I quickly direct the animatronics downstairs into the lobby in order to discuss what was going on with the three boys currently asleep in the hotel room that we just left.  I placed myself under the archway, as they form a semi-circle around me.  I sigh, unsure how to start.  Luckily, Baby beats me too it.

"So what do we do? Who are the others?  Will Bryan be okay?" she asks, looking up at me.

"I don't know what we are going to do..." I answer.  "I know these others look like Bryan, but are obviously very different", thinking of the boy with the wings in particular.

Puppet, who had been standing in the back to allow the others to see without blocking their view with her height, spoke next.  "Are they friends?  I mean, they are Bryan....I think." 

"If its Bryan, how could they be bad?  I mean, come on, he's a bit of a wuss right?" Funtime Freddy speaks up, causing the others to chuckle. 

"We can't forget about Evil Bryan though- he most certainly was not a wuss.  He was determined to kill us!" says Balloon Boy to counterpoint Freddy's statement.  "Does no one else remember him 'pledging his allegiance to Springtrap and Molten?"

A shudder runs through the group at the mention of the two names.  If we were human, everyones eyes would have glazed over as memories played.  

"I have to agree with BB on this one" says Rockstar Chica, surprising everyone with the fact that she spoke.  "Do we really want a repeat of that situation?  I mean, last time he came around he almost killed Derpy."

I decided to not mention my concerns about Derpy and her brother.  Lefty looks at me a gives a little nod, which I return.  At least he understands. 

"What do you think Freddy?" asks Happy Frog.  "Do you think that we should trust these two?"

I look at her in confusion.  "Why are you asking me? Does my opinion really matter?"

Happy Frog scoffs at my statement, while Helpy gives an obvious cough and Rockstar Foxy laughs in disbelief.  I am now quite confused.

"You do realize, matey, that Bryan trusts you the most out of everyone here! (Except for maybe Lefty and Helpy for obvious reasons....)" says Foxy with an air that makes it seem it should have been obvious. 

"Aye, amigo" speaks up El Chip, who had been previously silent. 

"Really.  You really think he trusts me that much?" I ask with a mix of disbelief and curiosity. 

All of the animatronics except for Foxy nod enthusiastically, as he says "Would I really have said that if it wasn't true, matey?"

I guess it makes sense, even though it comes to me as a surprise.  I never had a chance to respond, as an incredibly loud scream from possibly three people with the same voice comes from upstairs, causing us all to jump in surprise.

Lefty looks up in the general direction of where the noise came from.  "Someone's up I guess- lets hope our Bryan is one of them or is the only one awake.  Cause otherwise this is going to get bad real quick." 

I nod, before running up the stairs, with the others following close behind me.  Let us see the damage then.

Back to Bryan's POV now!: (A few minutes earlier)

I groan as I slowly open my eyes, feeling the fabric of the bed below my hands and head.  How did I get here?  Was I not just in the portal room with the others?  Wait a second!  I shoot up, remembering the other people who appeared in the air alongside me.  I see one to my left on the other bed, and another on a third bed across from me where my couch was. 

How did that get here?  Where did my couch go?  And most importantly, who are these people?! I get up from the bed, trying to not go too fast in order to cause myself to become dizzy and fall over.  I set my feet on the ground, and walk over to the the bed beside me. As I approach, I gasp in surprise.  This person had wings!  And they were attached to him!  The boy started to stir after the sound came from my mouth.  He slowly opened his eyes, groaning as I had.  His eyes widen as he notices his surroundings. 

"Where in the gods name am I?"

I gasp again.  His voice sounds exactly like mine.  Is he me? 

His head turns to the sound of my voice, seeing me next about a foot away from the bed looking down at me.  Then he screamed.  This causes me to scream in surprise.  He scrambles out of the bed, trying to get away from the person that looks exactly like him.  A third groan is heard as the final boy slowly gets out of the bed before seeing us.  A gasp escapes him, but he doesn't scream.  He cocks his head in confusion at the two of us.  I look back at the first person who screamed.  He his backed into the corner of the room, trying to find a way out, his eyes quickly scanning the room.  He notices the balcony, which he tries to run for, but trips over his feet and face plants on the floor.  I cringe visibly at this, and out of the corner of my eye I notice the other boy does the same.  He fumbles getting up, and before he tries to run again I go in between him and the balcony alcove, putting my hands up.  He partly skids in his tracks before stopping in front of me.  He sees that I am not trying to do anything to him and calms down slightly, crossing his arms.  The other looks around at the room and sees his backpack against the wall, which he quickly grabs. 

"Who in the gods are you and why do you look like me?  And how in Hades did I get here?"

Before I could answer, the door to the hotel room opens and in comes the animatronics.  The one in the corner quickly takes out a crystal staff  from his messenger bag, which glows with a golden light, while the other takes out an orange and beige staff from the backpack, which seems to glow with orange flames.  Both appear ready to fight the opposing threat that the animatronics present.

This will not end well.  This will not end well at all. 


And there is another one ladies and gentlemen!  Tell me your opinions of this story- I'm trying to get out this story every couple of days if I can, and so far its been going alright lol. Tell me if you would prefer more dialogue or more exposition, and I can change the story.

Love you guys! 


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