Chapter Four

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I had top stop these two from (possibly?) destroying the place. I run to the center room, in order to address the two who look like they are going to start a battle.

The one with wings starts to swirl his staff in front of him in a circle, as wafts of wind start to spin forcibly together and push things around the room. The staff glows increasingly as the wind comes with more force, creating what looks like a small tornado in the corner of the room. At the same time that this is happening, the one with the fancier clothes, staff in hand is starting to speak.


"Enough!" I quickly say, screaming over the sounds of both the wind and the other person screaming. "We don't want to hurt you! Stop before you destroy the hotel! Please!"

The two boys look at me, at each other, and then at the animatronics that entered the room. Simultaneously.

"That was creepy...." mumbles Lefty from behind me. I have to agree.

The boy in the corner stopped moving his staff, the tornado dying down and disappearing. The other puts his staff in his bag and crosses his arms. The animatronics and I breathe a sigh of relief as the hotel and part of the park won't be destroyed from their fear.

"So......who are you? How did we get here?" the boy in the corner asks.

Before answering him, I turn, looking at the animatronics. "Can I just have Freddy, Rockstar Foxy, Lefty, Baby, and Helpy right now? They would be able to help me explain the best." A chorus of no's comes from those who weren't included. Putting my hand up to stop them, I say "I know you want to help. Or want to be included. I get it. But I think a smaller group would help in this situation. Please guys?" A small plea creeps into my voice. The others sigh, before nodding their heads, and leaving the room, leaving the three humans and the remaining five animatronics. I turn back to the two.

"My name is Bryan, Bryan Mendivil. You two are currently in my hotel, inside my theme park. These are a few of my animatronics, Lefty, Rockstar Freddy, Rockstar Foxy, Circus Baby, and Helpy", pointing at each one in turn.
A mix of hi and hello comes from the previously mentioned. The boy in the corner waved while the other nodded his head in greeting. "You probably want to know how you got here right?" The two nod enthusiastically. "That was my doing." The boys narrow their eyes defensively. "I didn't do it on purpose! It was an accident."

"Okay. Say I believe you. This still doesn't explain how we got here" says the boy in the corner.

"I have to agree with my look-a-like over there" says the boy with the red backpack.

The one in the corner turns his head defensively. "Look-a-like! Please. Don't be a fool. You are the look-a-like here. Sons of Aphrodite will not be treated as second rate!"

I step in the middle of the two, stopping what could be the second possible fight of the day. "Technically, you are both my look-a-likes. This is my dimension, not yours."

They both turn their heads and look back at me. "Did you say 'my dimension?'" they say at the same time.

"They have really got to stop doing that" mumbles Baby. "It's creeping me out."

"Anyway" I say, going back to my original position. "My portal brought you here. Again, by accident. This was not supposed to happen."

The two sigh in relief. "If that's all" says the one with the backpack, while the other nods at him in agreement.

I'm taken aback. "You guys aren't confused? Not in shock that you are in a different dimension?"

Both boys shake their heads.

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