I Want To Be With You 4/22/19

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You and Calum just got back from a long day of shopping since he wanted to buy new stuff for tour and treat you with whatever you wanted. After setting the bags in your room and changing into some comfortable clothes, Cal lays down on his stomach on the couch and you lay right on top of him. "Hi bub," you say and kiss his shoulder watching him scroll through Instagram. "Hi baby, you good," he asks putting his phone down, you sigh and rub his arms, "Yeah, I just... I don't know. I want to be with you." He smiles and turns his head to the side to almost see you, making you take the opportunity and pepper his cheek with kisses and play with his hair. "You know baby, I love when you're like this. All clingy and extra loving." You squish his cheeks, and kiss his temple, "I feel like I don't do this enough with everything going on in our lives." He rolls out from under you and you prop yourself up in the corner of the couch as he lays between your legs, his arms around you and his head on your stomach. "You already do so much, you deserve more love from me.... and I want you to play with my hair more." You both giggle and you continue to run your fingers through his hair and massage his head for a while, "Bub, that's not true, you love me more than enough," you smile as you hear his quiet snores. Thankfully, the lights were off, so you grab the blanket from next to you and put it over Cal. You then close your eyes and continue playing with his hair, getting ready for the cozy night ahead. @nvrgnnmkt   -M

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