Sweetness 8/13/19

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You walked into your house after grabbing coffee from a shop down the street. You quietly kicked off you shoes and set your bag and keys down on the kitchen counter and make your way upstairs to bring Cal his cup. When you walk into your shared bedroom, surprisingly, you find him awake and sitting up against the head board. "Hey baby, I brought you a coffee," by the unamused look, you can tell hes not ready for the day. You make your way to Cal's side of the bed and set the cups on the nightstand and crawl over his legs and sit on his thighs, "not ready for the day, I'm assuming?" With that question he tilts his head back against the headboard and shakes his head. You sigh and run your fingers over his short hair, massaging his scalp, and he slowly relaxes from your touch. "You have 2 hours till you have to get ready, let me run you a bath and you can get in a good head space for the studio." With that being said, he looks at you with tired eyes and a slight smile, "Thank you, bub." You smile wide and lean forward to kiss his forehead and before you get up, you leave a lingering kiss on his lips, and make your way to the bathroom. You turn on the warm water and set in a lavender bath bomb to relax him, you walk out once the tub is almost full, and have to wake Cal up after he fell back asleep. Kissing his temple, you caress his arm, "babe, your bath is ready;" he opens his eyes and sits up out of bed. You grab his hand and bring him to the bathroom and lean against the counter while he removes his boxers and sits in the tub. You go to leave before he speaks up, "y/n, can you stay in here?" You nod your head and sit on the outside of the tub and hold his hand, "you need to take more time for yourself Cal. If you keep going 24/7 your gonna tire your body out and get sick and your gonna be even more tired and upset," he nods his head and looks towards you, "I know baby, it's just that we're almost done and trying to push through and we'll have time to relax before rehearsals for tour. We're just about done, I promise." You assure him that he's doing great and swear that you'll make him relax when the time comes. You grab the shampoo and start rubbing it into his hair, he leans his head back and you continue to scrub it in and then rinse it off and move on to the conditioner. "Callie, sit up so I can wash your back," he moves forward and let's you run the wash cloth all over his toned back, and then turns when you tap his shoulder to get to his chest and stomach. After rinsing off he gets out and dries himself and meets you at the bed, you sitting with his clothes laid out for him. "You have an hour till you leave, finish in the bathroom and come down for breakfast, bub." He comes down 20 minutes later and sits at the counter, "whatcha makin' bacon?" he laughs and you giggle with him, "I'm making exactly that nickname, eggs and ham, and french toast because you need a little bit of sweetness." After eating and talking and cuddling with Duke, Cal is in a better mood and smiling with keys in his hand. "Thank you baby, I guess I really needed down time. I appreciate it more than you think because you know when to stop me when you know I can't stop myself," you smile and wrap your arms around his torso and look up at him, "anything for my boy. Have a good day at the studio and you're getting more down time tonight. Face masks and all. I love you, Squish." He smiles at the name and kisses you for a moment "I love you too Sweetness." @nvrgnnmkt   -M

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