Contentment 8/13/19

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You had visited your parents for a few days and had to leave Calum at home so he can work in the studio, but without you at night, Cal just couldn't fall asleep. So today, when you finally got home after three days, you saw your favorite sight, Cal laying on the couch cuddling Duke. You walk in, leave your stuff by the door, and run over to them and lay on top of Calum and kiss all over his face "hi baby! I missed you soo much. How was your weekend?" Immediately when you landed on top of him, he wrapped his arms around you and couldn't stop smiling, "it was ok, I missed you like crazy though, Duke missed you too. Now actually kiss me, I've gone 3 days without you in my arms." You giggle and kiss him for a few minutes, enjoying the moment; sitting up on his legs, you rest your hands on his stomach, "Okay Bub, I'm gonna make dinner, you want to help or just hang out?" He groans and rests his hands on your thighs, "nooo baby, I just want to cuddle. We can order out and just lay here. I dont want to let you go." You laugh a little and remove his hands from your thighs and walk into the kitchen with him following you like a lost puppy, "Cal, you ate out all weekend. Everytime we facetimed, you were at a different restaurant for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You need something home cooked." He groans and wraps his arms around your waist from behind and puts his face in your neck "you can cook but I'm not letting you go." After 10 minutes of dragging Cal around the kitchen, he realizes your struggle and sits on the floor in front of the sink next to you and gently caresses your leg while you chop the vegetables and put them in the pot. You look down at him with a confused look and a giggle, "Baby, what are you doing," he smiles up at you and sweetly states, "I told you I wasn't letting you go;" you smile and crouch down to kiss him and run you fingers through his short hair. When you're finally done cooking and letting it set, with Cal still in front of the sink, you put one foot between his legs and one on the outside, and continue to do the dishes so they're not a pain later. Two or three dishes in, you feel his hand move to the bottom of your ankle and stubbly hair against your lower thigh; looking down you see Cal resting his head against your leg and he mumbles. You smile and dry your hands off and crouch down one more time to kiss him, and quietly say "how about we eat right here and Baby Grandpa can sit right between us." He smirks and calls Duke over to join you two while you grab two bowls of soup. Sitting criss-cross between Cal's legs facing him, Duke nestles between the two of you and quickly falls asleep while you and Cal finish eating. Once you're done, you both put the dishes in the sink and pick up Duke to bring him to bed, and after you change into your pajamas and crawl next to each other, Duke makes his way between you two. A half asleep Cal mumbles "I'm content; I got my gorgeous girl, and my son. Goodnight bub, I love you." You lay your arm over Duke and kiss Cal's cheek, "I love you too babe, and you too Duke." @nvrgnnmkt   -M

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