Ink 6/19/19

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After signing off on all the papers you start walking to the back of the room, letting your eyes drift off to the sides and focus on all the buzzing going around. Taking a seat, your tattoo artist starts to prep your finger cleaning it and putting the template on you. You look at Cal with a adorning smile as he protests, "Baby, you dont have to do this-" Cutting him off you saying, "Cal, this was my idea and you're the one who went along with it. If you've changed your mind, tell me now." Quickly, he replies "no no no, it's just that this is going to be probably one of your most meaningful tattoos and since its right on the bone, it's gonna suck. I hate seeing you in pain," your tattoo artist rolls his eyes and looks at you waiting for you to give him the go ahead. "Jim, just start the tattoo please and don't mind him," Cal grabs your other hand while you sit back and relax in the chair waiting for the ink to be embedded into your skin. Calum is quick to ask "how you holding up," and you smile, "Stop being a baby; it's fine, not bad at all." He gives you a grumpy look and within 20 minutes, you're done and admiring your newest tattoo. Cal gets in the same seat and gets prepped for his matching tattoo with you. Once Jim finished up on Cal's tattoo, you quickly take a picture of them. They read "til my dying day" in a script font. You and Cal take a few minutes to adore the matching fresh ink and he speaks up, "I'm really glad we did this. Now I have a tattoo for everyone special in my life." You smirk up at him and joke, "Now people know you're taken even without the ring." Laughing he replies, "with all the hickeys you leave on me, I'm sure people get the hint babe." @nvrgnnmkt   -M

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