Library 7/12/19

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Today is super rainy, so you decide to go to the library since there isn't much else to do, but study for a test. You shuffle around your apartment in search of your laptop bag, headphones, and textbooks. After you get yourself together, you hop in the car and head to the same old, run-down library. You love it because it's full of lesser-known classics and not a lot of people go there. After you day your usual hello to Ruby, the librarian, and your usual spot in the back summons you to sit down. Breathing in the antiqued air, you unload your belongings and begin to read and highlight your textbook. Not even 15 minutes in, your energy is drained as you can't even take in the jumbled words on the page. "Why does this class even exist??" you mumble. After trying to focus a bit longer, browsing the shelves and listening to the pouring rain seems like a better idea. You amble over to a genre section you never read and look around for something that catches your eye. The smell of cologne is suddenly in the air as you bump into a tall figure and fall onto your butt. "Ah shit, I'm sorry... Y/n?" The questioning voice belongs to your classmate, Calum. You guys only smile and greet each other on campus, so seeing him in the library is somewhat a bizarre thing. "Uh, it's fine," you speak up as he helps you up with ease. Not only is it bizarre to see him in the library, but it's also kinda weird to see him in a hoodie and blue jeans since he always wears something business casual. The corners of your mouth rise into a grin and a quiet chuckle leaves your lips, "I never thought I'd see the day that you wear a damn hoodie!" With a "Pfft," he joins your hushed laughing fit, "It's Saturday, what else would I wear?" "You do know that there isn't a dress code in college, right?" He catches his breath and smiles, "The professors are suckers for 'dedicated' students. I'm just helping myself out... What are you here for anyway?" That was the golden question after you manage to give up 15 minutes into studying. Your cheeks heat up, "Studying... You?" "Me, too. I couldn't think, so I decided to look around." "To be honest, that's exactly what happened to me." A light bulb goes off in his head, "Why not we help each other out?" You smirk, "That sounds like a great idea, Cal." He smirks at the nickname and gestures you to lead the way. His head is resting on his sweater paw as you guys converse over the notes on your laptop. At the end of the day, you guys leave the library and go your separate ways. Unloading your bag after getting home, you skim through your notebook one last time when you notice some small writing at the bottom: "See you in class, Y/n ;)" Cal's number is right under the message and you smile at how your most hated class just might become your favorite. @nvrgnnmkt   -K

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