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Izaan's pov

Why did she seem so innocent? The way she closed her eyes, the way her lips moved and turned into a warm smile, the way her expressions changed. How could a girl look so heavenly? I smiled. I loved how she enjoyed the rain. It looked like the rain drops were actually drops filled with happiness falling on her face and making her smile . Her most attractive feature was her smile, her soul shined bright through it and it appeared pure like snow. Her smile was out of this world. The way her eyes changed to the shape of crescent moon and the light dimple on her left cheek while she smiled made her look like an angel.

"No! Why am I thinking good about her? She could fool anyone by her fake personality but not me. I know exactly how she is. I am here only to give her what she deserves. Soon I will complete my motive and leave her alone to let her know and feel the pain that she has given others. I am here torture her to the extent where she would want to suicide but I won't let her die too and I have concentrate solely on my focus. I have make sure that she lives in this world with all the sorrows and sadness that I'm going to gift her."

"It's cold outside. Come in child." I heard a soft voice calling me . It was aunt Fatima.

"Coming." I uttered.

Before going in, I glanced at the sky. It was raining heavily. The sky was dark, the clouds were black. It appeared as if the clouds were in grief, in distress, crying for their loss. Shedding tears in the form for rain.

As I advanced inside the house I could see two ladies happily talking, sharing their experiences.

I proceeded and greeted both.

"Are you hungry?" Aunt Fatima asked.

"No, not at all." I expressed tenderness.

"Come sit with us." she addressed

I went and sat on the couch and I heard footsteps. They sounded louder step by step until I discovered it was her.

Aayat's pov

While I walked to my mom and aunt Muneera, my moms friend. My eyes caught a glimpse of him sitting on the couch. I think he knew all this that is why he was acting that way.

This time I saw him . He was quite handsome. He had brown hair that matched his eyes and his every feature appeared perfect. It was the perfect that I wanted. I can also sense those charming brown eyes speaking to me as I wanted my man's to. But I couldn't understand why they looked like they were warning me. Asking me to stay away. I was confusing. Is he the one? Will he marry me? Is he the one whom I'll live with for the rest of my life.

Then I acknowledged the presence of two women waiting for me. I walked to them and greeted. "Assalamualaikum. "

Aunt Muneera kissed my forehead and said, "Walaikum assalam. you look beautiful darling."

"Thank you." My cheeks instantly turned red.

We talked for the next hour.

Aunt Muneera was a lovely person. Considerate and caring and most of all, humorous. We bonded really well.

Finally Mom spoke as she placed a tray of glasses of cold water on the table.

"So now that you've met my daughter, what do you think?" Mom questioned.

"I could never find anyone better for my son, I want her in my house as soon as possible." she exclaimed as she took my hands in hers.

"So when are we starting preparations?" Mom asked.

"Ya Allah I'm so happy. I knew you would never disappoint me Fatima."

"What are friends for?"

"So now that it's decided, Izaan will be leaving for Dubai within 50 days, so I want the marriage to take place before that." she happily stated.

"Ok then, the marriage would place 40 days from today , I will give this good news to Aayat's dad and be right back." Mom's eyes were shining brightly and a big smile danced on her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry child, I didn't ask you. Do you mind our dicision? Are you happy with it?"

I just smile in response.

Everything is happening so fast. I mean, I don't even know him and now I only have 40 days to do that. Will I fall in love in these 40 days? Will he fall in love? I wanted to talk to him once. I wanted to ask him questions about his life and about our life together. But maybe this was not the right Time so I just kept quiet.

Izaan's pov

How could people be such good actors? GOD! The way she blushed it looked so real. How could anyone be so perfect in being fake? She would soon show her true colors and if not then I would forcibly take the fake mask off her face.

"Both of you might be having a lot of things going on your mind, I am leaving you guys alone so that you can talk." said mom.

Why did she do this? I didn't wanted to talk to her. Every time I looked at her, anger raged through my body. My feelings killed me whenever I acted in front of her. I wanted to leave but sadly, I couldn't.

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