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The series of calls went on for weeks. We babbled for hours, exchanged interests. He made me smile but something kept me from falling in love with him. I always believed the reason might be that the thought of me getting married to him never crossed my mind so this was totally unexpected. I thought that love would possibly materialize with time.

One day he called me while I was asleep. It was probably 2am at night.

"Hello Aayat."

"Yeah? Who is this?"

"I ask forgiveness for disrupting your sweet dreams. Your thoughts have captured my mind and they are not ready to leave. I've been thinking about you lately and I couldn't sleep."

"Hasan is sleeping with me today. I couldn't talk much." I whispered. I actually lied. My eyes were still half asleep. If I start talking to him , it will ultimately lead to vanishing of my sleep and I have this very bad propensity that once I wake up, I couldn't cop some z's again.

"Oh, it's okay. I only desired to tell you one little thing and that is...."


"I've been wanting to see you for a long time so I decided that we'll meet tomorrow."

"But we're not married yet. I don't think dad will allow."

"You don't have to be anxious about that. I'll talk to your father tomorrow."

"Are you planning to visit us tomorrow?"

"Not us, I am planning to meet you. Anyways , I think you should sleep now. Sweet dreams. Goodnight.


I did all one can do to snatch forty winks but the thought of meeting him tomorrow made me shiver. The reason was the lack of certainty of my feelings.

It was as though my feelings are betraying me and in my case, the betrayal was opposite. I wanted lose my heart but it clinged to me telling me it doesn't want to be lost.

The next day I woke up with subdued eyes. After taking a bath and getting dressed,I went downstairs for breakfast.

My phone rang as I was about to take the first bite of my brunch.

"Hello Aayat. Get ready by 1pm. We're going out for lunch. Okay?"

"Who is it Aayat? How many times should I tell you not to talk while eating."

"I am sorry mamma. It's ..."

"Aayat wait. Don't tell your mother you're talking to me."


"Because I've not talked to her yet. It won't look nice If you tell her you're talking to me when I've not informed her about today's plan. I'll call her after you hang up."

"Oh okay. But listen.."


"Call after 15 minutes cause mamma doesn't answer her calls while eating."

"Yeah. I know."

After breakfast, I went back to my room to decide what I would wear that day. I knew I will be wearing abayah but what's wrong in dressing well?

I wore my abayah and hijab and waited for his call.


"Aayat, I think I couldn't come to pick you. I have to attend a meeting now and It will take time. So can you please take a cab. I'll directly come to the restaurant. Is this fine with you?"

"No problem. I can wait. It will be nice if we go together."

"Yeah I know but we both will be late. It will be better if you take a cab."

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