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I grabbed the keys of my car and drove to a friend's house since I couldn't change inside the car.

I called and informed him about all this.

He was shocked at first but I dispelled his thoughts by explaining and convincing him that I was busy, I had work.

I arrived at his house on time and grabbed my outfit which was on the backseat. I was welcomed inside and directed to his room.

I think I didn't mention his name, Maaz. I didn't have many friends but Maaz is a very dear friend of mine though I have not told him anything about my revenge. I think he won't understand. I will tell him someday, but not now. I don't think this is the right time.

I quickly dressed up in a Linen short length indo western with suede border, and brooch style motif with bridge style pant.

We drove to the banquet vestibule and parked the car outside.

I don't know what would happen next. But whatever will happen, will surely be against her. Unhappiness is in her fate and fate cannot be changed.I believe in karma, that the energy you put out in the world comes back to meet you. Actions are the seed of fate, deeds grow into destiny as said by Harry Truman and her destiny in in my hands now.

"Comeon, it's your wedding. What are you thinking? Let's go in." Maaz interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah, mom might be very upset."

As we walked in , it felt like the tension on everyone's face is melting away with every step I took. Mom came running towards me.

"Where were you? Didn't I tell you to come on time? You don't know how many excuses I had to make."

"I am sorry mom."

"Maaz, take him to the men's hall."

This clearly indicated that she is angry and she doesn't want to talk to me.

I went and sat on the groom's chair and soon the event start. The wedding ceremony started with delivery of a sermon by a Qazi. Then I was asked whether I agree to marry daughter of Mr Khadir Mehmood, Aayat's father.

"Qubool hai.(I do)."

This was repeated two times .

Then he went to the opposite room and this was asked to her too.

After this both of us signed the nikah nama (Islamic marriage contract).

We are officially married now.

After the nikah, my seating arrangements were made beside Aayat. Although jointly seated , we were separated by a thin cloth which didn't let me look at her. I don't even care how she looks today or do I?

No I don't. I don't care.

After all the rituals , we're finally home I am so tired.

Aayat's pov

Mom welcomed me inside the house. Izaan's home is really beautiful as I've already said. Rafa guided me towards Izaan's room which is mine too from now on.

I sat on the bed observing the room and waiting for Izaan to come.

The door opened and he came inside.

I greeted him. He said nothing and went straight to the bathroom. Maybe he didn't hear. It was a stressful day for him too. I can understand.

He came out in a track suit.

"Aayat, I am exhausted. I want to sleep. Okay?"

He lounged on the bed.

"You won't talk? I have so many stories to tell you but no problem you can sleep. I understand today was a very hectic day."

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