Part 2- AGONY

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Sabrina looked around the class and seen girls gazing at Jason like they did with Ricky.

"Thank you, Jason." Ms. Lockett said thanking him for running an minor errand for her. Maggie get to class." Ms. Lockett told the Sabrina's old cheer mate laughing cause she blew Jason a kiss before leaving.

"She seems to really like you." Ms. Lockett said giving her opinion.

"Doesn't really spike my interest." He said in a cool way. He then glanced at Sabrina then turned his attention back to the teacher.

                "Girl let's to Chik-Fil-A I am starving." Sammy suggested after the lunch bell sounded. "I'll drive." He said dangling his keys.

"You are not still riding around in that red punch buggie ." Sabrina joked laughing for the first time.

"Rosetta is a beetle and like to be referred to as such... Okurrrt!" He said snapping his fingers as if he had gotten his point across.

"AYO SAM!" They heard a voice say.

They turned to see it was Jason.

"Love calls." Sammy said.

"Ok Kem." Sabrina said referring to the r&b artist "Kem"

"Glad I caught y'all. Yo you got the notes from Ms. Lockett class. I didn't get them I just need the first half." He asked.

"Yeah." Sammy said shuffling around in his bag. As Jason made eye contact with Sabrina then she looked away trying not to be awkward.

"Here you go." Sam said ecstatically, to the point it made Sabrina laugh. 

"He's so obvious." She thought to herself

Jason noticed why she laughed and chuckled a bit. "You ready for tonight's game." He asked

"Not really." Sam said looking down

"Hey, don't worry about those lames. I got you bro. 8:00. He said tapping Sam on the shoulder then running the other direction.

"What did he mean by that?"

"Todd and Shawn was made a rumor about me having aids over the summer and decided to harass me about earlier.

"What?" Sabrina said about to storm off and find them.

"But then my Jason..." he said stopping her finishing the story...came out of no where defending me like the empress I am and told them to leave me alone or fight us both.

"Wait. What!" Sabrina said shocked but pleased.

"It was either that or shut up. They shut the fuck up." Sam laughed.

"Y'all should've punched em in the face."

"Facts." Sam laughed.

"Lance just texted he say he'll meet us at Chik-Fil-A!

"He still keepin it a secret? If you like dick you like dick." Sabrina said annoyed.

"Power to the penis." Sam agreed as they both laughed, going to Sabrina's pink and matte black Maserati to go to Chik-Fil-A.

Sabrina went to the rest of her classes today after lunch noticing she shared most of them with Sam, one class with Lance and Sam, and Jason had all the same classes with her.

"Great." She said rolling her eyes before the last bell sounded.

"Hey Brina." She turned quickly with excitement to only see it was Jason.

"It's Sabrina."

"Brina... Sabrina. Kind of the same thing right."

"My boyfriend is the only one who calls me that."

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Jason said confused.

"Well had... I'm sure you've heard."

"I don't talk to many." Jason said coolly.

"I'm sure many talk to you." Sabrina shot back.

"If I'm interested." Jason winked.

"Ricardo Wolf." She said saying his full name for the first time since he passed.

"That's the kid who... oh I'm sorry." Jason said remembering the name from the news.

"Save the sympathy please I've been getting pity all day.

"Ok. Well I wanted you to give these to Sam and tell him thanks for the notes I'd give it to him myself but I got practice. Oh and I look forward to seeing you at the game too Nana." He said giving her another nickname after handing her Sams notes.

Flashback: Last Year

"Baby I'm playing quarterback. Ima see you out there cheering for ya boy?" Ricardo asked once he was givin the quarterback position.

"Like your personal cheerleader." She giggled

"Mmm." He said lifting her up.

"Ricky let me go." She laughed.

"You mine for life Brina."

"Forever us." She told him locking pinky fingers.


Sabrina sighed. She couldn't stand that she couldn't see him, couldn't touch him, hear him. Nothing. All her emotions hit at once and she began to quickly walk to her car. Once she made it she broke down hitting her steering wheel.

"Shit." She cried.

Sam opened the door and got in. "Come on. I knew it was coming." He said opening his arms knowing exactly what was wrong.

"This isn't fair, he should be here. It's not fair. He's gone." Sabrina said barely able to get the words out falling into Sams arms.

"I know poo. I know." He said hugging her.

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