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It was already 2 a.m. But where was Ishaan? Reshma was feeling sleepy. She decided to lie down. If he comes, fine. The door was half open, he could come in. If not...that’s also fine. Slowly, Reshma fell asleep.
She woke up to someone calling her name. Ishaan.
“Reshmaaaa...” he was drawling.
“Haan, haan, uth gayi!” she exclaimed, irritated by the drawl. It was 2.30 a.m. “Why so late?” she asked, sitting upright.
He was already seated on the bed.
“I had some work.”
“I have to tell you something.” Ishaan looked serious.
“Go on.”
“I got a job!”
“What?!” Reshma exclaimed.
“Yeah. As a junior ad cinematographer in a big company.”
Ishaan laughed. “I’ll be shooting a scene here and there for few advertisements or for posters.”
“That’s amazing! Someone thought they wouldn’t get a decent job.”
“That’s like a high post?”
“Kind of.”
“Shuru mein hi mil gaya?”
“Actually, I’m a student of a very prestigious university. And I had worked in a big company before being kicked out. And also, I have three years experience. So, yeah...”
“That’s...wow. I’m happy for you.”
“I can see that.” Ishaan smiled.
“That’s why you didn’t come yesterday?”
“Yeah. I had the interview in the morning. So I thought I better sleep, and get up early in the morning. Didn’t want to ruin my ‘beauty sleep’ you see,” he winked, quoting in the air.
“Yeah funny,” Reshma gave a tight, sarcastic smile.
“So , if I give you something, will you take it?”
“On what?”
“On what it is.”
Ishaan sighed. “Well, I’ve not bought it yet. But I will. The thing is, I’ve asked them to give me a part of my salary in advance. And they have agreed to do so. So I thought I’ll give you something you don’t have.”
“And that is?”
“A phone.”
“Uh...no!” Reshma stated.
“You’re not taking it?”
“Not at all.”
“I don’t want to.”
Ishaan rolled his eyes. “You think it’s going to be a too expensive a gift?”
Reshma stayed quiet.
“Yeah, that’s what you think isn’t it?”
Still, Reshma didn’t reply.
“Silence says what?”
“That what you say is true.” Reshma sighed.
“Oh c’mon man! I’m not buying you diamonds. It’s just a phone,” Ishaan laughed.
“No. But still,”
“What?” I’m not going to buy you an expensive one, okay? Maximum eight thousand rupees. Okay? That’s it.”
“That’s it?” Reshma raised an eyebrow.
“When you compare with the rest of my salary,”
“And can I know how much that is?”
Reshma was getting a bit angry. “You want to get me something, I want to know your earnings.”
“If I tell you, will you take it?”
“I...ugh...all right.” Reshma nodded.
“Sixty thousand a month.” Ishaan continued, fast, “Now you should take the phone that I bring you. I told you what you wanted.”
“I can’t...” Reshma sighed.
“Why not?”
Reshma shrugged.
“My money, my gift. You’re taking it!” Ishaan said, smiling
Reshma smiled back. Crazy guy, he was.


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