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As the bell rang, I took my time gathering materials off the desk and into my bag. I never cared to be part of the current of my classmates running for the exit so I always aimed to be the first or the last one to leave.

Several minutes later, the hallways were empty and quiet as I walked them with a smile on my face.

I've been going to school for two years now and the beautiful building always took my breath away when I took a moment to observe it before going home. It was brand new, not unlike many homes in this area.

Only a year ago, the road I took from school was covered in ash and embers, burning through the soles of my shoes.
Only a year ago this was a forested area on the outscirts of the city, now a new neighborhood.

One year... How fast people can rebuild and shape the world around them...

I stopped in front of a ruin which people didn't care to rebuild. The mental asylum they avoided the same as they did before the fire.

"Hy, mom." I sat on a crumbling wall of the place, I knew it could hold my weight. "We painted out families in arts and crafts today... I made you this." I took a drawing out of my bag and placed it on the floor. The picture was of my mom, with her olive skin, large green eyes, long chocolate colored hair and the brightest smile I could depict.
"I made another one to give to auntie... But this one is for you."

The wind howled through the wrecked building and to me it was like my mother was pushing my hair back and out of my face.

I shivered even though I had plenty layers of clothes to warm me.

"Auntie still won't talk about you, especially not to Noah... He is growing much taller, I'm afraid he will be calling me little soon."

I secured the drawing of mom with a few rocks in a spot where I felt no wind blowing and pulled out my other drawing to show it.

There were my aunt and uncle, hugging auntie's big belly, and my little brother Noah was standing close, between me and them.

"I can't stay longer, mom." I said after a moment. "Auntie will be mad at me for coming here. She says kids will call me weird." I bagged the drawing and got up on my feet.

"She says it's bad to be weird..."
I looked over the ruined walls and floors once again, another gust of wind made me check if I had all my things with me. I pulled on my beanie more to have it cover my ears.

"I'll come by again soon. Bye mom..."

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