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I've grown used to hearing wailing when walking past the asylum ruin. Few other places also had their distinct touches.

I've also grown accustomed to seeing my shadow change and move on it's own. Mostly the mirror store owner, but, sometimes a hunched over woman walking with a cane, a child skipping as I watched, amused.

Jack, however, said he had noticed none of the changes I did. Sure, he wrote in other hand writings, saw and heard things as he usually did from time to time and would share this with me, but his shadow was his own.

"Never thought I would be out done in this." he shook his head "I've never met a soul that could do what I do, and you can do even more."

"I think you are a bright beacon for this ability and I'm just using you to discover more and more." I stuck my tongue out jokingly.

"Well, prepare to lose it all after tomorrow." he crossed his arms and sighed.

"But I'm proud of you." he spoke up after a few moments "It's good to see you no longer fixated on your mom."

As he said this, my hand went to touch the locket around my neck.
I kept it hidden, secret from my family. They needed peace too.

"She must have moved on... Or whatever happens to those who don't stay."

"Might be. Haven't seen her around lately. "

There was a long silence between us.

"Are you going trick or treating?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, I've got no costume to wear..." I mused.

"Dress all in black, I have a witch mask and hat to spare."

I looked at him, surprised and a little curious.

"Oh don't look at me like that. It was an inside joke between my mother and me a year ago." Jack fidgeted.

"Doesn't seem like something that would go down well..." I said, thinking of my auntie's face if I gifted her a witch costume.

"We worked it out." Jack shrugged. "Do you want it or not?"

"I'd like that, please." I said and Jack grinned.


"How do I look?" I asked, the inside of the mask had that distinct rubber smell and was just a little too big for me. This made me think of Jack's mom. I only ever saw her when I was over at Jack's doing homework or playing around. She was a petite, tired woman. She'd plant a kiss on Jack's cheek each time she got home, I thought this sweet but Jack would try to wiggle out of it.

"Good enough." Jack said and pointed me around so I'd look myself in one of the mirrors that didn't contort the image too much.

Auntie gave me one of her longer black tunics which for me worked perfectly as a dress, I had a double layer of tights too, also in black. Pointy hat, elongated face and a large beak-like nose sporting a large mole... The costume was simple, and I needed  nothing else.

"It's great, thank you, Jack." I spun around and tried my best cackle.

Jack laughed.

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