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Jack and I took to hanging out in the ruined asylum often these days. He with a pen in his hand and I with curious eyes going over anything and everything in hopes of spotting something otherworldly.

"Give me a lift." I demanded, determined to try and get to the top floor.

"Why, isn't it dangerous?" Jack invoiced me and bat his eyelashes.

"I don't sound like that." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Fine fine... But you kind of do."

Since he was now helping me, I let this comment slide.

With some strain I managed to pull myself up the top of crumbling steps. The long corridor greeted me, leading off to a number of small rooms containing simple bedframes. Today I was bent on trying the fire escape.

I whistled along the way, ensuring Jack knew all was well. This was my fourth time coming here and I knew the blueprint of the lower floors by heart now.

I took in a deep breath and tried the heavy doors. To my surprise I managed to push them open with some strain.

I followed the plans, navigating the floors with ease.

To my surprise, the steps were in one piece and opened up to a second floor.

I searched for the map along the walls closest to the fire escape and found it moments later.

It was clear enough, two turns to the next door leading upstairs.
I strode to them, eager to move past this floor today.

Locked. I tried the door again as if that would open them.

"No no, come on, please?" I turned around and leaned on the door before sliding to the floor.

Rays of sunshine poured past the empty window frames.

"Maybe." I whispered as I looked for my shadow and found it.

"Hello? Anyone there? I need to get past this door, please?" I called out, hoping for someone's help.

People died in this building, I knew it.

I was in luck. My shadow moved and changed shape.

"Please, could you open the door? I'm looking for my mother."

The figure in my shadow shook it's head.

"Why? Please!"

I thought back to my visits while this building was still intact.

"It's visiting hours." I stated, sure of myself.

Slowly, the shadow figure moved, and I heard a distinct click from the door.

"Yes! Thank you!" I rushed past the door and up the stairs.

Once there I went over every room I could find. The wind howled through the empty corridors and freezing rooms I opened.

Just like on the floor below there were many small rooms with multiple beds, a big dinning room, a small kitchen, and mostly empty common room.

I decided to sit at a table stained by what looked like melted crayons and other art supplies.

Something took hold of me and I gasped, my hands moving on their own as if painting, but something was missing. I fought the hold just enough to take out a piece of chalk I took from school out of my pocket. I'll have to thank Jack for that idea later.

My hands glided effortlessly over the wood, the chalk leaving clear white lines. As time passed I recognised figures, there were two. One taller, lean, with flowing hair, and one shorter, caught mid-skip in the air.

I felt the hold loosen and I knew the picture was finished.

Two figures... And around them an outline of a person which eerily reminded me of crimescenes from television shows.

I quickly took a photo with my phone and turned to leave. I hesitated and turned back to the table.

"Thank you for today but I have to go so my friend doesn't get worried." I bowed my head.
I did the same when leaving the floor.

"Took you long enough." Jack helped me down the broken flight of stairs.

"You won't believe what happened." I shifted my weight, excited.

"I probably will." he grinned. I stopped and laughed.

"Thank you for that."

Never SpringDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora