Nooks And Crannies

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Today I didn't stay after class because I wanted to... My clothes are gone, I couldn't change out of my gym clothes and it was a cold day.

"Are you done avoiding me? I could help you look."

I looked up at Jack.

"You are looking at me weird." he stated and ran a hand through his hair.

"You still want to be friends?" I asked, surprised and hopeful.

"Why would I ask otherwise, keep up."

"Yes! Please let's be friends again." I blurted out and Jack simply grinned.

True to his word, he helped me look for my clothes.
We found them in a closet with cleaning supplies.

"Jack? Can I show you something?" I asked on the way home.

"Sure." he said.

I led him into the ruin, by the wall that was out of wind's way.
He looked around, interested.

"Anything cool to see here?"

"Not really... Fire burned it down and you can't get on the higher floors. It is a bit creepy I guess." I laughed, feeling silly.

Jack looked over the nooks and crannies before returning to me with a thoughtful look.

"This is where your mother died, isn't it?" he asked and I fidgeted with my coats zipper.

Of course he would have guessed it with that strange ability of his.

"Yes, this is where she was..."

"Would you like me to try to write her?" Jack said, nonchalant.

"I... Maybe... If you feel her." I whispered. The thought of this connection he shared with... Deceased was so unfair. Why couldn't I feel her? She was my mom. I wish I could really speak to her...

"You really can't get upstairs?" Jack was trying to jump and grab onto the ruined stairs.

"Hey! That's dangerous!" I walked over to him.

"Not if you help me. What floor was your mom staying at?"


"Figures. Give me a boost. Don't you want to explore?"

"If you find something, bring it back?"  I sighed and he nodded. I doubted he'd find anything, too much time had passed...

I intertwined my fingers for Jack's foot,
"One, two, tree!", I almost fell over under his weight, but managed to help him grab the safety railing.

He groaned and held on, pulling himself up.

"You stand back by the wall, OK?" he continued out of my sight and I listened.

All I could do was wait for him to...

"Watch out! A safe falling!" Jack called out and his words came true a moment later as I heard, then saw a small safe crush onto the ground from the top floor. Dust and splinters flew through the air, and I ducked away.

Several moment later I heard a thud and a curse.

"Are you OK?" I rushed to Jack's side who quickly pushed himself off the ground.

"Yea yea." he dusted himself off as we both approached his find.
It was a small metal safe, like the one's seen in movies, but it seemed less heavy.

"We should get going. Your auntie doesn't like me anyway and you are late. I'll take this home and try to open it by tomorrow."

I wanted to argue... But he was right.
He took the small safe under his arm and walked home ahead of me.
As I followed I wondered what secrets waited to be found.
I cast one last glance at the ruin.

"See you soon..."

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