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Sean's POV
Auto Mechanic and Parts

Today could have been an actual apocalypse. Dozens of people are getting sick from whatever bug is going around. But the weird thing is that anyone who is sick, no matter what age or race, they are all guys. Seriously, they are all men, middle age to teenagers to children. Though something does not feel right with this kind of sickness. Why would it just target mostly men, and not women as well? That is what bothers me, as well as my 'buddy'. But I had more important things to worry about than just the bug, I had my little sister to look after. To me, my whole world revolves around her, she is the only family I have left and I am not about to lose her by getting sick. I was working on a customer's Dodge pick up when I had a sort of vision about what was happening.

My confusion was ended when the Rider, my sort of alter ego, showed me what happened and what caused the disease to come around. Seeing as I had no other way around this as Justice needs to be done, I called home to let Ashley know I was going to be working really late so don't expect me to be home anytime soon.

"Mr. Yeager has been working you for the whole week!" complained Ashley from her end of the phone, I chuckled but remembered that Yeager had been taken to the hospital about fifteen minutes earlier.

"Don't be so hard on the guy, you been watching the news lately?" I asked the same question on everyone's mind in current events. I could tell that my sister was slightly surprised to hear me defend someone like my boss but none the less answered my question.

"You mean how every man, other than you, is somehow getting sick and needs to be taken to a hospital?" answered Ashley with a slight hitch in her words. Her boyfriend wound up in the hospital this evening and it hit her pretty hard.

"Boss just collapsed half-an-hour ago. Told me to finish up the work on the car and lock up." I continued to explain. Ashley seemed satisfied from the deep sigh I heard from the phone.

"Alright, but be careful. I don't to lose you to." worried my sister. I chuckled but shook it off.

"I always am, see you tomorrow." I heard the phone click and then end, I put my own phone back into my pocket, my normal relaxed face was replaced in an instant with a serious 'get the f**** out of my way' expression. I walked around to the front of the shop, flipped the sign saying that we are now closed. I went to the parking lot, where a 1976 modified black Dodge Charger waited for me. I popped the trunk open, grabbed a black leather jacket, some white thrown in, mostly at the sides just above the hips, on the shoulders then rings around both arms. I zipped up the jacket, put on some leather gloves and then closed the trunk. I walked around to the driver's seat, opened the door and got in. I started the engine while closing the door, then just closed my eyes and let the Rider direct me to where the source of the disease was. I saw a familiar setting, a military airfield, not far from Detroit. I started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, I turned down the main road and began to head straight for the source of the disease.

Military Airfield

Driving through a broken gate, I sensed that the Rider knew that whoever was responsible for the diseases was close by. I parked my car, grabbed a pair of chains with a hook on each end and hid them in the sleeves of my jacket, and locked the car between two hangars and began to follow the Rider's direction till I came across a large hangar. I walked around the outside of the hangar till I found a side entrance. When I opened the door, I heard what I know is most likely a fight. I snuck down low to the ground and began to make my way to the source. I peered around a corner to see an ongoing fight between two members of the Justice League, two known super villains and an unknown. The most common thing was that all of hem were women.

Namely Wonder Woman or Diana of Themyscira, and Hawkgirl. The two villains were Star Sapphire and Tsurkui. The last was someone hat I do not recognize but the Rider told me that she was responsible for the disease outbreak that was killing thousands. While the Rider wanted to go and attack the three as all of them had innocent blood on their hands, I urged him to wait to see how this will play out. Maybe the League would do the job for us. But that all changed when something rather unexpected happened.

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