Eclipse Part 2

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Sean's POV

Hauling the man off to the authorities was simple enough, but I had several questions regarding the crystal that the man had with him. The man was currently being held in a police station cell, currently getting questioned by a pair of officers, Flash, and Green Lantern. I was outside the room, still holding the crystal, shifting it in my hand; being already possessed by a demon means that you get some immunity from others, also the Ghost Rider has a history with the beings responsible for the crystal, or so I have been told from the Rider himself. Green lantern and several police detectives were actually interrogating him right now, but they were getting nowhere; which was to be expected as he was possessed, not willfully trashing a power plant. Seeing that I should do something, I got up to enter the room.

"I'm telling the truth, it's all a blank I swear." pleaded the man. I opened the door and walked over to stand next to Green Lantern.

"And the costume?" asked one of the interrogators. The man looked down at what he was wearing, giving a blank expression.

"I just-I don't know." confessed the man. I decided to step in and give him a chance.

"Okay, what is the last thing you remember before this blank?" I asked as I walked over to the man.

"I remember a crystal or something like that. I picked it up and then the next thing I know, I'm here." I looked at Lantern for a second and pulled out the crystal.

"Would this be the crystal you last saw?" I said while holding the crystal. The man's eyes widened and nodded.

"Yes that one, it's that one!" confirmed the man. Lantern and the other interrogators looked at me slightly confused.

"What does the crystal have to do with this guy?" asked an interrogator as he looked confused at me.

"It has everything to do with him as this guy did not do the things he did willfully," I replied, gaining several confused expressions from the group in the room. I rolled my eyes and decided to explain, "This crystal somehow possessed this man, albeit I have no idea how but I do know that this guy is innocent."

"How can you be sure?" asked Lantern, my response was sheer brutality.

"If he wasn't he'd be dead right now because the Rider is looking for someone to blame for a lot of families going through some serious problems because of the power outage," I responded and left the room. lantern and the present men nodded that was true as they knew me as the Ghost Rider and how he acted as Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Green Lantern followed behind me out of the interrogation room and into the hallway where Diana was waiting with Flash. I noticed that she and Flash were curious as to what made the crystal familiar to the Ghost Rider.

"So what did you find out?" asked Flash as we began to leave the police station. I lead the three Leaguers to the exit before answering.

"The man was possessed by this crystal, but I can't say as to how," I answered as we left the station, outside in the night air we began to head for my Javelin, that was until I was hit in the back by some unknown force. I fell and hit a nearby newspaper stand; turning around to see a man wearing ancient clothing.

"You dark ones cannot hide from Morphir!" yelled the man as he lunged at me with a sword that was strapped in a scabbard in on his hip. I dodged the slash and shoved him back away from me. I walked back a pace or two as to get a better look at who I was dealing with.

"'Dark Ones?' The heck is that supposed to mean?" I questioned indignantly as I did not appreciate being hit in the back.

"Heathen!" yelled Morphir as he charged at me again, swing his sword.

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