dating them would include

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-swimming in the quarry
-long walks
-many, many hugs
-good crying/ranting sessions
-giving each other unconditional support and love
-sleeping over every weekend

-joke wars
-being the only one laughing at his jokes
-warning him when he goes too far
-riding bikes all over town
-him teaching you how to play multiple video games/ arcade visits

-him trying to teach you hebrew
-being there for him when he feels alone
-lots of lazy days at home
-cuddling all the time
-being the purest couple

-pharmacy visits weekly
-holding hands a lot
-helping him get over being a germaphobe
-long night talks
-lots of inside jokes
-making goofy faces at each other a lot

-always going to your place
-helping each other pick out outfits
-sleepovers 3x a week or more
-calling each other whenever you can't hang out
-protecting each other from bullies

-"book club"
-always reading together
-weekly poems
-laying in bed watching TV a lot
-diner dates
-him just being a complete sweetheart

-going to your place a lot, like bev
-going to each other whenever needing to rant
-riding bikes and walks
-tight hugs from behind
-helping each other with school a lot/study dates

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