Chapter 7

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I pull out my notepad and start drawing. I don't know what I'm drawing but it turns out to be an eagle. I drew it as if my mind was set to draw it. I decided that I might need these for the codes. I tried to figure it out but it didn't work. Just turned out to be a bunch of scribbles. I showed Aliyah my drawing of the eagle. I brought Aliyah down to my small room for her to try and it worked. It was the number 56. Then she tried again but it didn't work. Just turned out to be a bunch of scribbles. We put the pictures next to each other and then nothing happened. It didn't turn out be anything. Then, all of a sudden the drawings on the papers switched as if saying this one goes first. It's like magic. I'm bored so I decide to look over the sea. There's a weird reflection in the water. It looked like a torch. Then it just blew out. Another clue. It wasn't too long until I ran back into Aliyah at the dining hall. Turkey for dinner. Because that's the only animal that runs around Nabral. An hour later I just decided to go to sleep. The boat was pretty boring. The next morning Aliyah and I explored the boat. We found a game room at the bottom of the boat. It had foosball, ping pong, and board games. We were playing foosball when the heads on the players just randomly said,"Close the holes." Then they went back to the regular players. It was a weird day so I spent the rest of the day in my room just reading and working on the codes. I fell asleep a few hours later. At around 2am or 3am the men came in and woke me up. I realized we stopped. They must be trying to tell me that we arrived. Then Aliyah walked in and told me that we arrived in New York. The place we had to go first.

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