Kim Hongjoong - Chapter 5

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You've been to Hongjoongs studio for about three hours. You were laying down on a large blue-green bean bag. When you accepted to be his muse, you thought that you would be actively talking about song lyrics, choosing and making beats, showing off how bad your rapping skills are-- instead, you've barely talked, and he has barely looked at you. The only times Hongjoong said something to you was to say bless you when you sneezed. He only said that after the first sneeze, though, because every cold after that, he was too engrossed in creating music that he didn't even acknowledge you. You moved from place to place, corner to corner, couch to couch-- to in front of Hongjoong to behind him.

While there wasn't a lot of talking going on, the room wasn't quiet. Hongjoong started with writing lyrics, and he said them out loud. You weren't bored being with him, and it was entertaining. You were mesmerized at how he would switch from singing a sweet tone with his honey-like vocals to rapping so fast. You just wished you had more time to get to know him. You stared at him; his face concentrated on his laptop. He typed and tapped furiously, and then he stopped abruptly to look up at you. He met your gaze, and he smiled that beautiful smile that makes you melt. If you were standing, your knees would have buckled, and you would have embarrassed yourself for losing your balance.

"Y/N, we've spent so much time at the studio. Are you tired?" he looked at you with stars in his eyes.

"Oh, not at all, I had a lot of fun watching you create music," you said. You saw his cheeks flush red, and his smile somehow got more prominent.

"I know we didn't talk, but just having you here helped me create a song. It's not finished, but I think it will be a hit," he leaned back in his swivel chair. He spun around, moving his head so that his gaze never left yours.

"Hongjoong, are you not hungry? You've been working for so long," you asked him as you stood up to get nearer to him. He stopped spinning and watched you approach him. His eyes got darker, and he tilted his head to the side. He raised his arms towards you, asking for a hug. Hongjoong smirked as you leaned down to embrace him, and he pulled you onto his lap. So there you were sitting on Hongjoongs' lap. He had your face to his chest, and his chin rested on the top of your head.

"Mmm... Is it okay that I'm hugging you like this? I just felt like hugging you. I know this is all so sudden, but I don't ever want you to leave my sights," he whispered sweetly. You closed your eyes, listening to his murmurings, and you snuggled in closer to him. His heartbeat was pounding in your ear, and you never wanted to let go.

"Hongjoongie, of course, it's okay," you finally replied. "I love hugs, and honestly, this is one of the best ones I've ever had." He squeezed you harder, and you looked up to meet his eyes. His dark brown eyes were like velvet. "But I'm worried about you. I don't even know if you ate before your show. Let's get you something to eat, yes?" you pleaded with your eyes. He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"Yes, let's go out and eat. My treat for my sweet muse," he said as he kissed your forehead again.

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