Chapter 7

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It may be one o'clock in the morning, but who knew what else was going to happen that night. You were still holding hands with Hongjoong when the waitress returned with your drinks. She threw your hot chocolate at you, and it spilled the hot substance onto your hand. You hissed in pain and quickly brought your hand up to blow cold air to it.

"Ouch, that was hot," you exclaimed. The waitress nodded and flatly said, "Please, be wary not to burn yourself. The hot chocolate is scorching." You glared at her as she walked away from the table. Hongjoong reached out for your hand and kissed the area that was now red from the heat.

"Awww, you poor thing," Hongjoong cooed. "Don't worry, my kisses have superpowers and will heal your burn in no time." He then proceeded to cover your hand in kisses, and you couldn't help but giggle at every little peck he gave you.

Soon after you finished your meals and left the restaurant, Hongjoong had his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead at every chance he got. It was all lovely until you reached your house, and the reality hit you like a ton of bricks-- you realized that he would have to go home alone.

"Are you not afraid of the dark, Hongjoongie?" you asked him. He smiled his dazzling smile. That one smile where all his teeth showed, and his eyes turned into tiny crescents. He was so so cute, and you felt yourself melt as he hugged you one last time before leaving.

"Oh, no, of course not! Y/N, you're so silly. I have nothing to be afraid of," Hongjoong replied.

"I'm still worried regardless," you said. "What if someone kidnaps you or something?" He laughed again. His laugh sent a chill down your spine, and you shivered visibly. He pulled you into a hug again and caressed the back of your head.

"Are you cold?" he whispered into your ear.

"Just a little," you answered. Hongjoong held on to you for what seemed an eternity, and you didn't want to let go. He patted your back and brushed his lips against your cheek.

"It's time. I'll get to see you tomorrow, right? Er, later today?" Hongjoong smiled expectantly. "Please come visit me at the studio." You nodded your head in agreement and turned around to walk up your front steps. He grasped your hand desperately, "Wait," he said. "I don't even have your phone number?" You smiled and handed him your phone, where he programmed his number.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N," Hongjoong said. You watched him walked away before going back into your house.


By the time you woke up, the sun was shining brightly through your window. The sunlight beamed on your skin, and you wrapped the covers around you to keep warm. Your phone began to buzz, and you reached for it. You saw a ton of messages pop up on your screen, and they were all from one sender.

I can't go to sleep. Are you awake?

I know you aren't awake, but I miss you.

I wish the night never ended. 😭😭😭

Y/N, wake up pleaasseeeeeee.

No, don't! Stay asleep and dream of me. 😉

But I miss you... 💔

I can't wait for tomorrow. 💕

Wow. I can't believe I didn't kiss your mouth last night. What was I thinking?😔

AH! Don't read that message, please, forget I sent it! 😶

Unless... You want to kiss later? You know, not on the cheek? 😚😳😉

jk jk jk

Then after a few hours where you assumed he probably fell asleep at last.

Good morning Beautiful. 💞💞

You brought your phone to your heart and gave out a little squeal. Why was he the cutest person in the whole full world? You then started to type him a message.

Morning Hongjoong! I just woke up. Did you sleep well? Also, I would love to kiss you later... you know-- not on the cheek. 😉😘

It didn't take long before he sent you a text back.

Meet me at GP tonight? @8pm?

I'll see you then! You responded.

Kim HongJoong in KILLER SMILEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin