Chapter Five

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Kori and Sam spent the next two hours studying math in silence—Kori showed how it's done, Sam tries it on his own, Kori make the necessary corrections: no more, no less. There was more of tension in the atmosphere rather than awkwardness.

Kori's phone suddenly started beeping which was an alarm to signal the end of their tutorial session. "Our session Is over," she said. Sam did not give any respond nor looked at her. He just stopped writing, closed his notes and started packing his things. Kori reached for her book near Sam, but he was also reaching for it too, so he ended up touching her hand. This made Kori blush which is something annoying for her. Her blushing because of him is somehow just involuntary. She can't help it. It could be because of his pretty face, or the warmth of his hand against her skin despite the coldness of his gaze.

She put her hand away from his before she blushes even more.

"You're blushing." Sam said plainly.

"Eh?? N-n-no I'm not!" Kori retorted and covered her cheeks with both of her hands.

Sam stood up and started walking away. When he reached the door frame, he stopped for a while, and without looking back at Kori, he said, "Don't worry, no one will see it..." he paused. Then, he gave Kori a naughty smirk before finally saying, "Only I shall enjoy your kiss and that photo." With that, Sam was gone.

That was the third time Sam left Kori astonished and she thought she might go crazy.


She arrived in her house pissed and annoyed again. This has been happening a lot now and it's all because of Sam.

"Welcome home big sis," Kisses, her younger sister greeted her as Kori stomped her way towards the living room. She plopped down on the sofa beside her sister and let out a big groan.

"I hate my life," Kori exclaimed.

"For someone blushing so hard, I wonder why. Is it a guy?"

"Ehhh?? I'm not blushing!!!!" Kori screamed. She stood up and stomped her way again towards her bedroom while repeatedly saying, "I'm not blushing! I can't be blushing!!"

She entered in her room and checked herself out in the mirror. Indeed, her face was red. "It's just because of my anger," she tried to explain herself. But if it was, why does the image of Sam and her kissing, as well as the photo, make her feel weird? Could it be, that as much as that incident bothers her, it also flatters her a little? She stared at her lips on the reflection and touched it. Even though the kiss Sam gave was forced and hard, she recalled his lips being soft. And, it tasted sweet as well?

Kori found herself unconsciously giving her finger a lick. When she realized this, she freaked out. "What am I doing?! What am I doing?!" She immediately ran and threw herself on her bed. "You dumb girl. How can you be turned on with that troublesome guy!" She reprimanded herself as she took off her blouse, ready to change her work clothes to home clothes. "Wait, I'm turned on?" she looked at herself and indeed, she saw her nipples protruding behind her bra. "Only I shall enjoy your kiss and that photo," those words that Sam uttered replayed on her head and a sudden hotness surged on her body. She had to take off her bra and her skirt to lessen the warmth she's feeling. But even she knew that it wasn't the kind of heat that's due to the atmosphere. It wasn't coming from outside of her but within her.

"This is bad... I feel aroused," she thought. There, she realized that undressing was actually a bad idea because now she couldn't help but touch and squeeze her breasts. She wanted to stop but the more she thought about Sam, about the kiss, and his playful words, the more she moved her hands. It was as if what she's doing was involuntary yet voluntary as well. She didn't want it, but she was enjoying it especially when her hands were already beneath her and she was playing with her pearl.

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