Chapter Eight

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It was a quick peck on the cheek, but why did the kiss still feel warm on Sam's cheek even though it was hours ago. He kept his hand on the spot where the kiss was. He should be sleeping by now but he's too giddy and flattered by Kori. Why is he even flattered? Why is he even blushing right now? It's not like he had secret feelings for Kori. But, doesn't he? He did like Kori, but not like in a "I wanna be his boyfriend" type of way. Or was he just denial? No, no, no. Besides, that's probably illegal. Sam's her student. But, now that he thinks about it, he's actually old enough to date her.

Sam kept shifting on his bed trying to sleep and keep his thoughts away. But when he couldn't, he buried his face on a pillow and let out a muffled scream. "Kori, why are you in my head?" He whispered into the night.


The week after, Kori still can't believe she actually gave Sam a kiss. Did she regret it? Certainly not. But as much she wants to keep on daydreaming about him and Sam, she had some paper works to finish.

Kori was carrying a load of notebooks to bring to her classroom. Sam saw her from afar and had the urge to go to her and just... be with her. But suddenly, before he could even take a step, Mr. Dylan, his History teacher, approached her.

"Kori, hi!" Dylan greeted her. "Let me help you with that." He took half of her load and walked with her.

"Oh, thank you Mr. Dylan," Kori said.

"Please, just call me Dylan," he said with a chuckle. "You make me sound so old."

"Oh, of course Mr.—I mean, Dylan."

Sam hid as the two passed by him, but he kept following and eavesdropping from a short distance.

"You look beautiful today, Kori," Dylan complimented. "Actually, you look beautiful every day."

Sam flinched and thought, "What's this? Are you flirting with her?"

Kori blushed and replied, "Thank you, Dylan. It's not everyday someone says nice things to me."

Sam thought again, "Why are you blushing, Kori." He's now ticked off.

"Really? What about your boyfriend? Doesn't he compliment you?" Dylan asked.

Sam: Wow, classic move Mr. Dylan.

"I don't have a boyfriend," she replied sheepishly.

"Oh? Really?" Dylan exclaimed trying to sound surprise and Kori just laughed it off. He continued, "Well, in that case, are you free this weekend?"

Before Kori could even give her response, Sam already interrupted. "Mr. Dylan, excuse me," he went on using his nice persona, "I'm sorry to interrupt but the principal was looking for you. He says he needs you right now."

"Really? Shucks..." Dylan exclaimed.

"I'll take those notebooks from you sir. I believe it's an urgent call," Sam kept insisting.

Dylan had no choice but to immediately hand the load to Sam and excuse himself. Sam and Kori were finally left alone together, yet both of them felt awkward with each other. Kori wasn't looking at him, and Sam just focused his gaze on the notebooks. Kori started walking again and he just followed.

"Don't go on a date with him..." Sam finally uttered.

"Eh?" she asked, clueless.

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