3. Different lives & struggles

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Third chapter is out. Sorry it's a little bit longer than the previous 2 chapters but still have fun while reading it. I am sad after the untamed concert farewell and went to write this chapter to calm myself. I am missing the untamed but Xiao Zhan and Yibo are still there and will surprise us with more of them

The song is XNINE (Vocal Line) - Signal (They have wonderful voices *.*) 


Xiao Zhan's POV

After visiting my father and staying there for some minutes, I took the bus to my new work place and arrived in the Wang investment company ten minutes earlier just like expected. I met the manager of the cleaners team who was waiting for me at the entrance. Unlike me who wear casual clothes, the manager is wearing a suit like the capable employees who have much bigger responsiblities and earn higher wages. The first time I met him during the interview the other days, my first impression of him was that he looks strict like the kind of type who takes his duties serious but can be dependable if an employee faces a problem in the company. 

This opinion of mine about him didn't change by the second meeting. He still looks like a capable boss you've to be careful around if you don't want to be on his black list and get targetted by him. Just like a respectable boss, he welcomed me at the entrance, took me in his own office and had a small talk with me there. We talked about things related to my duties like I should only keep the building clean, not meddle in other's affair or spread rumors and not violate the 3 most important rules. He also made sure that I sign a confidentiality contract to maintain my mouth shut about the company's affair in front of reporters. If I ever violate the contract then I'll will have to pay a heavy price that I don't even want to think about. A big compensation's sum that I will never earn even if I work for the rest of my life. He told me that the contract is the only methode scare the employees and have them keep the mouth shut!

The manager goes to one of the shelves on his left side and comes back with clothes wrapped in a transparent clothes bag. „This is your uniform you'll wear today. Everyone here has his own uniform that he's not supposed to change with his colleagues. There are 4 spare uniforms in your locker that I will show you soon. You have to change the clothes every two days and the dirty ones will be given to the team who takes care of the laundries."

As he gives me the clothes to wear, he brings me in the male dressing room and waits outside for me while I change myself in the new uniform, dark blue shirt and pants. There are really 4 spare clothes for me in my locker which code only the manager and I know. After dressing up and looking like an employed cleaner, I go back to the older man and follow him in the team's office where we can take a break there during lunches. There are more than 20 workers who are already waiting there for us, more than half of them are women, middle aged and some are also students. They are sitting on the chairs around the table before we arrive but they stand up immediately when they catch sight of us. 

The office is to use during breaks but they were too generous during the construction that it's more spacious than my apartment. It's smelling fragrantly like the other rooms too. It seems that the CEO of this company is really a clean freak like my acquaintance told me. He likes every corner of the building to be stainless and well polished. I wonder what kind of a man he is... Anyway, it's not my place to talk about the CEO. I am here to work and earn money and not to cause trouble by getting interested in the Wang's family affairs. I have the rule to keep my distance from him that's why I have to mind my own business and stay away from him as much as possible if I want to keep my work.

The manager introduces me briefly then gives me time and the front place to introduce myself properly.

I stand in front of the more than 20 cleaners team, „I am Xiao Zhan, your new colleague. I am easy to work and get along with and learn quick. I apologize for any shortcomings and for the mistakes I'll make while learning but I promise that I won't make any grave mistake that will give problem to the team. Please take care of me...", are the few words I leave them to get to know me more.

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