18. My fault

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What can I say now? Did I take too long to update the next chapter? Many things happened in this 1 month :D Won't tell much, just want you to know that I never forgot this story and will always update it. Something always happened when I want to update so I plan to write each day 1-2 word page so that the update won't delay anymore. Thanks InfinityLM44 for the advice, I'll try to do that :) I am going to sleep now, stayed up from yesterday 19 pm till now and it's 2.30 pm :( I'll read the comments later, have fun reading it ;)

The song is Ailee - I will go to you like the first snow (Goblin OST)


Xiao Zhan's POV

After leaving the parking lot of the hostess bar where I met the CEO Wang Yibo, I am on my way to the destination with my drunk client sitting on the back row and me driving his car. He is completely wasted that he can't even sit properly and is groaning every minute. Apparently, he is uncomfortable with many things and complaining about meaningless things that I can't hear clearlier from the front due to the loud noises his car is causing. I secretly take a look in the middle mirror at him and notice that he's searching for something in his seat organizer and grab at a bottle of beer. He is struggling to open the beer and starts to search everywhere for a bottle opener.

I gaze in the mirror at the empty street behind me, I am driving further away from the hostess bar. Actually I left that place many minutes ago but I still feel guilty for leaving Wang Yibo alone there. The CEO looked like he wanted to tell me something urgent but I couldn't forget my client and give him more attention instead. His last look he gave me before I disappeared remains like sticked by a glue in my head. Why did he try to hold me back from leaving with my client? Why did he ask me what he is for me? It's already clear that he's my employer I'm working for in the company! Is there something else going on between us that I am not aware of? Should he be something else for me but I am too oblivious to understand it? However, I don't understand anything the more I am thinking about it. There is nothing going on between us, we just have an employer and employee relationship. I work in his company as a cleaner and he pays me for my work. It's true that we had a sexual intercourse many months ago that caused some conflicts between us but we managed to leave the past behind to maintain peace. He made it clear in the beginning that he don't want anything more than be my employer so I have any right to be confused by his question and the hurt looks he gave me before I left.

The situation from over 20 minutes ago is still bothering me so much that I went too deep in thought and lost track on the street. I shake my head and concentrate on the road instead. The man behind me makes a tantrum for not finding his bottle opener whereupon he kicked on my seat with so much force that I almost hit my head against the steering wheel.

„Excuse me but Can Sir stop hitting on the seat...? I need to stay calm to drive properly", I use my friendliest voice and genuine smile to make him understand that I'm driving and need to stay focused on the road if he don't want us to end in an accident.

„You say nothing to me!", he comes too close to me and poke with the bottle on my head without using much force to not break the bottle on my head.

Bang! Another kick lands on the back of my car seat that I lost my balance and let go of the wheel for a second. It seems that my statement makes the client more agitated than calm him that he wants to annoy me now by acting irresponsible. I warn him for the second and third time to not act unreasonable since I'm driving in the middle of the dark road but he refuses to listen to me and still tries to irritate me. Is he doing it on purpose? I have never seen such an immature client like him before. I am doing this parttime job for 10 months now and I've met all kind of customers who treated me differently but he's the first one who don't care if we get involved in a fatale accident because of his childish behaviour. Does he have a death wish?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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