12. Do it my way

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Next chapter is here, it took Long with the update right? Sorry for that. There so much going on here and I have too much in mind to update. The situation with the coronavirus is very bad here, nobody is listening altough we have over 20.000 cases here in Germany and I'm trying to survive just like everyone else. Please, stay safe, healthy and whoever can afford it should stay at home :) Try to get tested as soon as you feel odd symtoms and take proper measures. 

I hope this chapter will sweet your day amidst all the chaos going on. And yeah Xiao Zhan's situation is better than before, hatters gonna hate and there is also an update (Charity work from his fans to support people with food, the charity is also approved by XZ Studio and many are speculating that the logo of the charity was drawn by XZ)

The song is Leona Lewis - A Moment like this

The photos are not mine. Credit to the owners 😊


Xiao Zhan's POV

Cheng left few minutes ago and I should calm down by now but I can't because of one reason. The impact he left in me after giving me the identity of my real helper in time of need who is the CEO Wang Yibo is too strong for me to forget the matter in some minutes. First I am still surprised and shocked that the man I thought is pure evil and is responsible for my miseries in the company is the same man who is helping me the whole time behind the curtain. This new revealation means that I judged him wrong. I can't forgive myself for blaming him for all the sufferance I went through in the company without any proofs. He's my employer and I should have showed more respect towards him. For sure, he did me a favour by enduring my temper and bold behaviour toward him. I admit that I was blind by rage since he didn't like me by his side first and I was too indulged in my own selfpity that I didn't see his good side. However there is one thing I am curious to know. Why did he help me even though he's not fond of me in the start? Why is he so obsessed with the idea to have people think bad about him? Did something happen that he is forced to built a wall around himself?

My head aches the longer I am thinking of the situation and racking my poor brain to find an answer to my questions. I stagger few steps forward while moaning in pain but I wait in front of the entrance of the big building. My veins are pounding hard against my thick skull, all the sudden images of an event stream in my head like I am having a vision, which is impossible since I am a human.

I see myself standing before a luxury car and 2 tall men. Wang Yibo and Cheng Ge? There are other images like me trying to kick the CEO, meanwhile the bodyguard is holding onto me and pulling me back to prevent me from hitting his boss. After exchanging few words with the bodyguard, I went to squat down somewhere away from them upon Cheng's request. It didn't take long for me to stay quiet on the spot as I took the wallet out of my pocket and threw it on the younger man after hearing the latter suspecting something between his bodyguard and me. Wang Yibo lost it, wanted to kick me too and had to be pulled back from Cheng this time too. I didn't show any remorse for hurting him but felt more hurt at his assumption that Cheng and I must have a secret relationship, as if I'm a whore who will jump in bed with anyone.

Finally I broke down in tears, squat down and complained about the harshness and unfairness in my life. I staggered foward to the street after the breakdown but a warm hand held onto me and pulled me back to have me face him. It was Yibo, he was staring at me. I couldn't escape his sharp eyes. There was something in his eyes that was interesting, making me curious and unable to lose him out of my view. Was it because there are emotions reflecting in his eyes? Or due to the fact that it was the first time that I saw him show emotions?

Yibo was holding carefully onto my hand, there was a tender atmosphere around him that was making him look like a handsome young man with soft personality. The cold aura around him disappeared too. His eyes are still fixed on me, as if he don't have any plan to let me out of his focuse. The picture of us gazing at each other was intense yet peaceful and lovely, seriously it could mislead people into thinking that there is something going on between us.

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