11. No Redeeming Qualities

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Roberto held Dolly's hand as he led her off the skip onto the pier. Once they were both safely on the Pier he wrapped his arm around her waist and turned her to face the small village. "Welcome to Italy Bambolina."

"Italy?" She looked at him for answers, that quizzical crease forming in her brow. He couldn't help but think how cute she looked. "Yes we will stay here for the night and return home in the morning on the jet. Matteo still has some business to finish before he returns home and I felt being trapped on the boat was not very comfortble for you." "Home?" She asked optimistically. She knew the answer before he had said anything. She knew he wasn't going to let her go. She could hope and wish but she knew in her heart it would be a waste of energy. "I am sorry Dolly, I meant my home." She nodded her understanding and started to walk toward the village knowing he would be beside her the whole time. She had done everything she could to cut people out of her life. Her family and her two close friends were the only people in her life. to have a man wrapped around her shadowing and clinging to her every step made her nervous. But what did it matter at this stage? He was going to do what he wanted to do and until she could find a way to gage him, his anger or his violence, she would not be pushing his buttons. Although he had shown no anger towards her or violence she was still unsure of his reactions. After all people had caught her off guard before. A situation she never wanted to be in again. But it was best not to concentrate on that. She needed a distraction. Raising her head she took in the view. "It is beautiful, Italy has always been on my List."

"We will stay here for the night at a place belonging to my family. There is no one else there so we will have the place to ourselves. I figured we could spend the night getting to know each other." She nodded as they left the end of the pier and turned up the street. The beautiful picturesque town surrounding them. The buildings, which were of many different colours, appeared to have been built into the mountain side from their view from below. Sill having his arm wrapped around her, he guided her up through many street as she stared in wonder at everything them. Distraction. Distraction from the situation she was in, distraction from the arm around her, distraction from everything she was missing at home. Finally he stopped them at a little restaurant and guided them in. A little old lady greeted them. Her arms flew around Roberto as she babbled on in Italian. Dolly tuned out admiring the interior of the restaurant. One wall had been left with the stone exterior unmasked by the plaster on the other walls. The exposed roof was a web of Wooden beams. The wooden tables and chairs were aged by time but suited the place giving it a family feel. 

A subtle cough brought her attention back to the pair in front of her. Roberto took her hand in his and looked from her to the old Lady. "Mrs. Veratti this is my Dolly." He pecked Dolly on the cheek and then returned his gaze to the Mrs Veratti. Mrs Veratti took a step closer to Dolly and placed a hand on both sides of her face. "Very beautiful."  She said while looking between them. "Your favourite seat Robbie". She started walking through the resturaunt, as Roberto guided Dolly though after her, out onto the Balcony that looked over the sea. Without removing the hand around her waist, he used his free hand to pull out a chair and guided her into it. He then took the seat at the side of the table next to her. Mrs Veratti handed Dolly a menu and then returned to the kitchen after giving Roberto one last smile. Dolly looked at Roberto "Robbie?" He chuckled to himself. "Yes she has always called me that and the only person I let get away with it. We used to come here every summer when we were children. This was my parent's favourite restaurant." He took the menu from her hand. "I know you don't know italian. I will translate it for you." He went through the menu and she choose her favourite pasta dish, Alfredo. Dolly was too engrossed in the view to notice the little italian lady had returned and taken their order and had left a dish on the table. "Close your eyes Dolly and open your mouth." Dolly looked at Roberto suspiciously. He chuckled to himself again. "Please" "Well since you said please" Still apprehensive she closed her eyes. Roberto placed a bite of bread in her mouth. The flavour burst in her mouth. The bread had been dipped in oil but was not soggy, so she knew Roberto had the dip there on the table. She had never tasted anything like it. She knew it was an oil of some kind and the taste reminded her of pesto but much crisper and fresher. "Wow that's really good." She nodded at him and he returned her a smile that seemed to reach his eyes. She couldn't help but think if the situation were different, she could really fall for a guy like him. "Wine Dolly?" She looked at the table once again and shook her head. "Maybe a proper night cap later then" He said remember her taste for Irish Whiskey which he had already stocked in the house. 

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