14. She's His.

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Roberto woke Dolly early to join them for breakfast. Just like dinner the night before the room was full of Roberto's men. Although the atmosphere was a bit more relaxed it was still very quiet. Riley hoped it was due to the early morning and everyone suffering from a caffeine deficiency. The table was full of many different kinds of food for everyone to help themselves. from bacon to pancakes, eggs and cereal. Roberto handed Dolly some toast, asking her did she want anything else while pouring her some tea from the small pot that had been sat in front of her. After breakfast Roberto led Dolly back to the room.

"Anything you need before I head out for the day Dolly." Roberto held her tight as he said goodbye to her for the day. He brushed his hand through her hair."Miles and Silas will be around the house for the day if you need anything. Do you want lunch on your own in here or in the dining room?." Dolly shook her head, deciding to at least have a bit of company for a piece of the day.  "Can I have some books or something?" Roberto nodded and replied " Why don't you go for a shower Dolly and I will sort something out for you?" 

Dolly came out of the shower 20 minutes later to find the tablet form the boat laying on top of an outfit she assumed was for her to wear for the day. She quickly dried herself and started to get dressed. Once she had the black aline skirt that ended just above her knee she reached for the familiar shade of blue fabric that was her shirt. Once she was dressed and had her hair dried, she sat on the bed and unlocked the ipad. When she unlocked it she found another app had been downloaded next to netflix. An unlimited online library. She smiled as she browsed through the library finally landing on the fantasy genre chart. Deciding on a vampire novel she made herself cosy on the bed settling in to read for the day as there was nothing else she could do. She did not feel comfortable exploring the mansion as she was unsure of where she was allowed to go or what she was free to do within.

A little after one a light yet sharp knock came from the door. Dolly opened the door to find one of the men that Roberto had introduced her to the previous night.  Miles stood there in a black suit paired with navy shirt and tie. Dolly tried to shrink back into the door as the man eyed her up and down. "Lunch is ready. We have been waiting on you so we can eat." His tone was sharp and filled with annoyance. He then turned sharply and walked away towards the stairs. Dolly quickly followed after him trying to catch up. Hoping to break whatever tension she felt was between them she looked up and said. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise lunch was ready. Thank you for calling for me." Miles stopped and looked back at her. "I just wanted to eat." He continued walking again. Riley wondering to herself if she had done something to offend him. He was making it plainly obviously that she was nothing more than a burden to him. Once she entered the dining room she noticed a place had been set at the chair where she had sat the night before. Once Miles had taken his seat, her chair was the only free seat with a plate set and so decided to quietly take a seat and and not attract any more attention. 

Once she had seated the chef Mike brought out a plate of spaghetti. She murmured her thanks as the chef then went on to serve everyone else. "Your were late for lunch Dolly." Dolly raised her head to find another one of yesterday's trio seated across the table from her. "I am sorry Silas. I didn't realise." Silas turned to face down the table. "Did Miles not tell you earlier?" Dolly looked towards Miles wondering on how to answer but he just looked at Silas, shrugged and then returned to his food. "Dick" Silas mumbled to himself returning to his own meal. Dolly finished her meal without uttering another word. Once she was finished dinner she decided it was best to just return to the bedroom. It had not escaped her that Miles was throwing her death glares the whole way through lunch. As she began to walk towards the door she noticed that Silas had risen and was walking in the same direction. Assuming he was going to the office she continued walking. When she was half way up the stair she felt a light pressure on her shoulder as Silas lowered his hand to grab her attention. "Sorry I don't know what to call you Roberto only said that you're his Dolly but i am going to go out on a limb and say that's not your real name." Dolly chuckled lightly as she looked at him. His warm eyes looked at her with concern. He seemed genuinely concerned for her. She decided to at least try to be open minded after all this was her life now. Although miles did seem to be a bit of a douche so far, he was the only one that seemed to harbour ill feeling towards her. "Eh, no it's not. It's Abigail actually but everyone calls me Reilly." Silas looked at her as his eyebrows scrunched together. "How do people get Reilly out of Abigail?" RIley laughed. Inwardly she was pleased to have someone want to get to know her, the real her, not just Dolly. "Well long story short I played a lot of sports at school, growing up on the fields ment that all the guys just called me by my surname. So when a new girl joined my class half way through primary school with the same name. The guys started to call me Reilly in the classroom too and everyone else just joined in. My grandfather was the only person to call me abigail. I probably wouldn't answer to abigail now."

When they reached the bottom step of the stairs Silas stopped her. "So should I call you Riley or Dolly?" Dolly thought on this for a minute. "I suppose it would be best to check with Roberto on that." Roberto chuckled and turned to walk towards the front door. "Enjoy your evening and remember if you need anything just call for me." Riley nodded  as she started up the stairs to return to her room. When she reached the top of the stair she turned towards the room but stopped when a loud bang echoed throughout the house. She turned and looked down the stairs to find a strange man standing at the door who had obviously just violently opened and shut the door. "Where are my little cunts?" He voice was deep but held evil in it. He stood tall in his Black suit paired with a black shirt and a black tie. She heard a small squeek come from just beside the stairs on the ground floor and she noted his eyes shoot straight towards the source of the squeek. RIley decided it was best to leave and possibly hide from him. In her haste to turn and run for the room She clipped her knee off the banister of the stairs. A low groan escaped her from the pain in her Knee cap. She looked back down stair to find the strangers gaze locked on her. His eyes lit up like a bully on a playground after finding fresh meat to torture. A small whimper escaped without her permission. She knew this was not a man to be messed with. He suddenly leaped at the stair taking them two at a time and reached her before she had entered the hallway to the room properly. "Well well well, what do we have here?"He Grabbed her upper arm and slamming her back into the railing, he raised his free hand to cup her cheek. "A new cunt for my collection." Dolly whimpered and tried to escape his grasp. "Please let me go" She couldn't help the tears that were gathering in her eyes. Out of everything that had happened since she had first met Roberto, No one or nothing scared as much as the male that was now grinning at her. He Laughed a deep chuckle that reminded her of children's cartoons when the evil villian thought his plan was coming together. "Now now princess why would I do that. I only want to play with you, isn't that why you are here." Dolly shook her head. "I...I... I belong to Roberto." It killed her to say it out loud but she was ready to try anything to get away from him. "Aww princess, Roberto loves to share. He never denies my what I want. And I wouldn't think you're that important if I was you. You are only another name to add to his list."  Dolly closed her eyes as he moved his head closer to hers. Within moment she felt his lips on her neck and couldn't hold in the sob that escaped her. She balled her fists against his chest as she attempted to push him off.  As her last choice she sucked in a breath "SILAS" She screamed as loud as she could. She felt his lips mash into her with bruising force. She held her mouth closed to his utter annoyance. 

"You think Silas will help you. Silas only cares about Silas. Even I know he only Fucks Dakota, so don't think you matter to him either." She struggled in his grasp but with every movement he followed. His hand that was not holding her lowered to between his legs as he roughly grabbed her sex. With a last ditch effort she raised her knee catching him in a very sensitive. and judging by the feel of it very hard, area.  He let her go as he cupped himself. "Fucking CUNT" She ran hoping to escape but she felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her back into a wall of muscle. He turned her slamming her face into his chest as she felt a dull ache radiating out from her nose. "Fucking bitch needs to learn her place..." The strange man rambled to himself as she struggled to get out of his grasp. She felt his other hand move along her shoulder until it met with her neck. Grasping her neck in a tight choke he moved her face out from his body and sneered at her. She heard a feminine shriek from the ground floor. "NO, LAR DON'T." Dolly was unable to move to see who had joined them. "SILAS HELP." The strange man who she now knew to be Lar chuckled as a grin spread across his face. He shoved her at the neck as he let her go. She went to step back to stop herself from falling but was met with nothing as she suddenly realised that with all the struggling they seemed to have returned to the top of the stairs.  

Dolly saw nothing but the blinding whiteness of the pain as it took over her vision. All she felt was a battering and beating of thumps all over her body. Suddenly her body shook with a final blow that hit all over her body. Pain radiated from all over her body. She could almost feel the outline of a handprint bruise on her neck with every breath she took. It burned to breathe but then her breath was caught in a sharp pain that took over her abdomen. She knew exactly what that pain ment she felt it before from a bad tackle while playing GAA. Broken Ribs. The pain was so much she could not even find the energy to open her eyes. She heard muffled voices coming from beside her. They seemed to be angry but was still whispering. She moaned from the pain of an arm going under her and around her waist and then the jostling of being picked up. She heard the familiar voice of Silas. " Miles take her to the Doctors suite. Dakota do you mind looking after her till the med team arrive. SHE'S HIS! Fuck Lar what have you done." She heard the familiar evil chuckle as she was grasping at her consciousness. "FUCK LAR, HE LOVES HER."

And then there was nothing.


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