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Okay... This is... A little broken... So the collar should be around the pup's neck and the thing around the dog should be... aligned a bit better... At least the toy is fine.

Also, the thing around the dog is supposed to be a service vest, but the app I used didn't have that. It was either that or a medic thing.


What had happened in court was rather... interesting to say the least...

First off, Hunter was Stephen's lawyer and he was overjoyed to sue the shit out of Andy. What a shame that Jessie couldn't make it since she was with Becky getting a service dog for the poor girl. By the way, Becky wants to punch Andy in the face as well before she bans him and his gang from entering her cafe.

Second, Andy was in a wheelchair since he still couldn't walk which meant that calling him to the stand would be different.

Third, he nearly tried to kill Stephen again, which is what Stephen wanted so he could kill Andy, but he wasn't able to move so they just flipped each other off.

Finally, Andy was no different from his sister since he called the judge... Heh... I would tell you exactly what he said, but I don't want there to be a fight wherever you're seeing this. Let's just say there were a few homophobic slurs and A LOT of racial slurs.

Needless to say, that trial was short as hell.

"Well then," said Hunter as he and Stephen walked out of the building. "That just happened..."

"Yep. To be honest, I thought Andy would be able to walk by now."

"Are you kidding me?! You shot his weenier off entirely!!! I'm surprised they let him out of the hospital for trial!!!"

"I did what?!"

"You. Shot. His. Dick. Clean. Off!!"

Hunter pulled out his phone and put a video on. It was from one of the copper's cameras that captured the moment from when Jessie has pushed out the window to the point where Stephen shot Andy's crotch. Stephen tried his hardest not to laugh, but he was cracking a small smile as he giggled. This scared Hunter a little.

"Are you... okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I can't wait to tell Jessie the news, though."

"I see. Now if you'll excuse me, Caleb's waiting for me and I can't wait to tell him the news."

After they parted ways, Stephen met up with Jessie and Becky. Jessie was petting one of the dogs with a small smile on her face while the dog nuzzled against her making Stephen tear up. Ever since that awful spring morning, Jessie changed.

She no longer felt comfortable in her usual attire which was why she was wearing a long sleeve shirt with holes for her thumbs, a skirt that was a little way below her knees in the front and long in the back, and a blue and black striped beanie. She still had her favorite boots on and her blind blue eye wasn't behind a contact.

Jessie wouldn't leave her apartment without Stephen, Becky, or Caleb by her side. She also had stopped dancing so she wasn't able to make any abstract clothes or paintings. She... also developed a fear oh choker necklaces... which meant she could no longer wear the blue pearl necklace Stephen had gotten her in the winter...

Stephen was pissed that Andy had completely rewired Jessie, but he was happy to have her back in his arms and knowing that he could trust Becky, Caleb, Hunter, Mrs. Rosenburg, and now a service dog to protect her... and he's happy that the Shisnos were paying for Jessie's medications for the year. Not Mrs. Rosenburg. Just the Shisnos who started this mess.

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