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Gotham, 1981

Cars honked, people rushed passed you and the cool wind blew the leaves and trash on the sidewalk. You were walking to a near by bus stop, cigarette in hand. You took a seat and exhaled the smoke that you had inhaled before being seated.

When you got to your apartment building you took the elevator up to your floor, walked down the hall and went into your apartment. The day was normal, you went to work and came home, you watched T.V. for a little bit and now you were going to bed.

Your eyes closed as you began drifting off to sleep, they suddenly shot open as loud laughter began to echo through out your apartment. The laughing was coming from next door, the laugh you'd hear every night around this time.

The laugh was a little unusual but in your mind... It kinda sounded cool, like a clown's laugh. You've been infatuated with clowns since you were a kid, you always thought they were pretty cool.

Sure it woke you up at times, but nonetheless the laugh didn't bother you at all. It'd startle you for a moment once it began, but you were able to go to sleep after it started.

The Man Who Laughs (Arthur Fleck/Joaquin Phoenix Joker)Where stories live. Discover now