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Seven-thirty rolled around and I had just made it home from work. I looked at my watch, remembering the plan I made with that guy from earlier.

The more I thought about it, the more I started to feel weird about it. What if that guy was just messing with me because he thought I was weird so he set up this whole thing just to make me look stupid?

I sighed and was about to head inside when I saw a hooded figure standing in the shadows near the entrance.

I sighed and was about to head inside when I saw a hooded figure standing in the shadows near the entrance

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As I observed the person, they stepped forward and into the light.

"It's you?" I spoke.

He slowly removed his hood and awkwardly shrugged "Yeah."

"Well why didn't you just say so this morning?"

He looked down at his feet, seeming very nervous. A few moments of silence had passed before he spoke.

"I just..." He trailed off, staying silent again.

"It's okay" I said assuringly "Well, I'm (Y/N), you are?"

"I'm Arthur." He said very timidly.

"Well Arthur it's nice to meet you."

We began having simple small talk as we walked into the building and went up the elevator. By this interaction and his mannerisims I could tell he was very awkward, but I didn't mind.
He seemed like a genuinely friendly guy.

We walked down the hall to our apartments and said goodnight as we entered.

That night while I was sitting on the couch I began to hear the laughter again. I wondered what was so funny, what made him laugh so hysterically.

The Man Who Laughs (Arthur Fleck/Joaquin Phoenix Joker)Where stories live. Discover now