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A few weeks had gone by since I had spoken to Arthur. I hadn't been able to catch him in the hall or see him around town anymore but I knew he was still here because I continued to hear his laughter every night.

I had mentally kicked myself for having the opportunity to ask him how he does his laugh and i completely forgot about it.

~A third person point of view~

Arthur makes his way out of Ha-Ha's after being fired. He dances down the stairs as he makes his way towards the exit and kicks the door open. He walks through the streets of Gotham, now seeing things in a whole new light. As he walks, he notices you through the crowd of people.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He calls and waves his hand up.

You walk up to him and greet him "oh hey Arthur, long time no see."

"It's been a while since we last spoke, how are you?"

"I'm alright, how about yourself?"

"Oh I feel great" he smiles as he begins to walk along side you.

"I can tell, you seem happier than usual, you win the lottery?" You joked.

"Oh no, something better." He chuckled "so where ya headed?"

"Ah, no where in particular" you sigh "just wanted to get out of the house.

"Well would you mind if I join you?"

"Of course not Arthur." You give him a reassuring smile.

For the rest of the walk you and Arthur exchange chit-chat until the two of you decide to take a seat on a bench, just across from Gotham bridge.

"What's been troubling you, (y/n)? I can tell you've got something on your mind."

"Well I don't know, I guess I'm just bored. Everything in this city is so bland and boring."

"Yeah, you've got that right." Arthur agrees.

"So tell me, what does a person do for fun around here?"

"How would I know?" He chuckled "Do I look like the kind of guy that gets out of the house?"

"Well, you're out of the house right now. And actually, come to think of it, I'm having fun right now."

He gave a timid smile and looked down at his feet, failing at trying to hide the blush that had so obviously formed on his cheeks.

"You really mean that?"

It seemed as though the more confident Arthur had retreated back into the shy, sweet, sensitive Arthur you first met.

"I do" you assured him "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

He looked back down at his feet again, as he was still blushing.

"Are you hungry? Do you wanna grab something to eat?"


You and Arthur ended up going to a small diner where you mostly kept small talk and he told you jokes to make you laugh. Eventually the night came to an end and the two of you walked home together.

"Well this was fun Arthur, we should do it again sometime."

"Yeah... I'd love that."

You smiled at him before saying your "good night"s and walking into your apartment.

The Man Who Laughs (Arthur Fleck/Joaquin Phoenix Joker)Where stories live. Discover now