Chapter 2

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(Flashbacks are in bold)

Abrish had given her Baba his medicines, told him to take rest and came to her room. She closed the door and locked it. Finally, she was alone and the tears of pain she had been controlling this long rolled down her cheeks. Her past had came back to her in form of Rayyan Shah. The past which she didn't wanted to think about, the past which caused her pain, the past which broke her heart.

Abrish was sitting in the library when she felt someone beside her. She looked up to find Rayyan sitting beside her.

"Why is he here?" she thought to herself.

She ignored him and busied herself in making notes.

"Excuse me, Abrish," Rayyan called out to her.


"Um- actually I have not been attending classes from past three days as I was busy with my sister's wedding. Can you please give me your notes so that I can copy them."

"You can ask Hadia for notes. She will give you."

"Hadia's notes are just okay but I got to know that you make very organized notes. Sir Raza asked me to take your notes. So can you please give me?"

Abrish knew that if she will say no, he will keep on insisting and she avoided conversations with him. Giving him the notes was probably the best idea.

"Okay. Here you go. But please return me them as soon as possible. I want to prepare for Mid terms."

"Yeah! Sure. I will. Thanks by the way."

"It's okay. I need to go Hadia is waiting for me."

"Sure. See you. Bye."

"Allah Hafiz."

Abrish collected her things and made her way outside to the parking lot.

"I am sorry Hadia. It took me long," Abrish said while getting into the car.

"It's okay. But what took you so long?"

"Your beloved cousin Rayyan Shah was talking to me."

"What? Rayyan was taking to you? Are you both a thing-"

"Shut up, Hadia," Abrish smacked her on her shoulders.

"What? I mean it's okay. Oh my God, look you are blushing. That means my doubt is right."

"No way. He was asking me for notes and I gave him."

"You gave your notes to him. And never gave it to Haris when he asked for it."

"Come on. You know Haris he is the most irregular student. Rayyan is a bright student and besides Sir Raza asked him to take notes from me."

"Ohooo. RAYYAN IS A BRIGHT STUDENT. You are appreciating him."

"Hadia, you know that's the truth and can we actually talk about something else apart from Rayyan. And if you can't then just zip your mouth and keep on driving," Abrish said with a hint of smile.

"Okay! Okay! You tell me how is Uncle doing?"

"He is fine Alhumdulillah. He is out of city for business these days. So it's me and Farzana Auntie these days."

"She is really a sweet heart."

"Yeah! She is like a motherly figure for me."

There conversation keep on flowing as they drove towards mall for shopping.

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