Chapter 5

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It had been an hour since Abrish's father has been wheeled into the Emergency room. She sat at the prayer mat, praying for a miracle to happen. The thought of losing her father was her worst nightmare and she kept on pushing this thought out of mind. This hour seems like ages and she couldn't wait to get the good news. Rayyan sat on one of the chairs in the waiting room, occasionally stealing glances towards Abrish, who was not aware of this fact, and was so busy praying with her eyes swollen from crying and face all red. Seeing her in this state was piercing her heart. He quietly got up and went to get something for her to eat. He came back and found her sitting with her eyes closed. He walked towards her.

"Abrish, here have something to eat. You haven't eaten anything."

Listening her voices, she opened her eyes and pulled her shawl around her, securing herself.

"No, thank you. I don't feel like eating anything. I just want to know that if Baba is alright."

He took a deep breath, and sat down beside her, maintaining a distance between them.

"I just met one of the nurses and she informed me that his health is progressing," he told a lie.

"Really? Is he alright?"

"Yeah! Here now have something to eat."

"No pl-," Abrish tried to say something but Rayyan cut in.

"You said that you wanted to know that if Uncle is alright and he is. Now have this sandwich."

Abrish was already so tired and didn't want to fight with Rayyan in hospital. It was after that day years back, when they both were having this long conversation. She sighed and took small bites of sandwich. Although, she didn't like the presence of Rayyan with her yet now his presence was a relief for her.

"You know that I have prayed for Baba to get alright with a lot of duas and I knew that Allah will listen to them. I have read somewhere that when you are determined to have something and do struggle for it then nothing can make the person lose," Abrish said.

Rayyan looked at her with a pained expression and closed her eyes, "Yeah, you are right. But if something is destined to happen then it will happen."

Abrish looked at him, confused, "What do you mean?"

"Abrish! Jahangir Uncle had suffered a heat attack and- and the doctors were unable to save him. He died, Abrish," he said in a low voice, trying to make sense of what he was actually trying to say.

Abrish looked at him, slowly as truth dawned on her she realized what he was saying. Her eyes went wide with disbelief. The tears sprung in her eyes and in a distance they both heard the stretcher being wheeled out. Abrish got up and ran towards the side of Emergency Room. Rayyan got up her after her and ran after her too. He knew this was a thing which was very hard to cope up with and he was worried about her that she might hurt herself.

"Baba! Baba! Wake up please. Open your eyes, Baba. I-- I don't want--- Please Baba. You can't leave me like that. You can't--. How will I live without you? Baba! The people here are mad they are saying that you are no more-- but I know that you are there," Abrish was crying, her voice has gone hoarse.

"Sir! You need to be with her. She needs someone," the nurse told her and started wheeling the stretcher.

"Wait! Where are you taking him? What do you think of yourself? I- I will call the police. I will report your hospital," she grabbed the nurse arm.

"Abrish! You need to calm down," Rayyan came towards her.

"What do you mean that I need to calm down? They are taking him away," she yelled at him.

Rayyan nodded at the nurse and they wheeled the stretcher.

"Wait- wai-" Abrish was ready to ran after them again when Rayyan held her hand.

"Abrish! We are in hospital. People are watching. Jahangir Uncle's body will be coming home."

"I don't care that what people will think. Baba-"

"He is dead, Abrish. He died of heart attack. He is no more," Rayyan repeated it again but this time his voice was no longer low. It was not yelling but it was not low too.

Abrish looked at him her tears stopped for a second but then again they started flowing and without saying anything she buried herself in his chest. Rayyan stopped and stood in disbelief but that was just for seconds. Seconds later. he wrapped his arms around Abrish's waist. He was holding her like this after ages and but this time his feelings were different. This time he was deeply in love with her and at that time she was nothing to him. It was few minutes later when her sobbing subsided and she realized her position. She hesitantly pulled back and looked at Rayyan with teary eyes. The pain in her eyes were there and Rayyan could see it. He saw pain in her eyes twice; once when he left her and the way she tried to stop him and the second when her father died. Abrish lowered down her gaze.

" I am sorry. I didn't realized that I was-" she mumbled and left her sentence in middle.

"No! I am sorry too. I am sorry, Abrish. I- I think we should take him home so that we can- we can bury him," Rayyan said the last sentence very carefully.

"You are- right. Can- can I ask you for a favor?"

"Yes! Anything. Anything at all."

"Can you call Hadia for me and tell her to please come. I want someone with me. Please."

"Yeah sure."

She started to walk when he called her.

"Abrish! I know that it is not the right time but I hope that- you have- forgiven me. I am sorry for everything," he said with pleading voice. He thought maybe she forgave him because she was talking to him but he was wrong.

"Don't even think about it, Rayyan. If I am talking to you that does not mean that I forgave you. I never have and never will. The day you told everyone that I was nothing to you and the day I tried to stop you. I pleaded to you the same way, Rayyan. I told you that I love you but what you did? You just laughed at me and told me that I was nothing but a dare to you. You and your friends planned to see that if I being a hijabi and the one who talked to boys less would fall in love and I did and then you dumped me. How can you expect me to forgive you?"

"Ab-- Abrish I know that I did very unfair with-" Rayyan said his eyes filled with tears but before he could complete his sentence Abrish cut in holding her hand up.

"If you want to increase the pain in which I already am then you can give justifications and if you have a little bit humanity then please stop. Just stop."

Saying this she walked away leaving Rayyan behind who took a deep breath and told himself that he will keep on trying to get her back. He thought that how will he tell about Jahangir Uncle's request to her about giving her his name. She will never believe him because he never told her or gave any written evidence. Little did he knew that Abrish was going through same thought of marrying him and that Jahangir Uncle had left a written statement and a witness too to make sure that what he wished for is fulfilled.


Hey there everyone! I am here back again after a long time. A lot has been going on lately. Exams, assignments, homework. And the funny thing is that they are still going on but I had to write it because I missed you all and Rayyan and Abrish too. I will not be doing regular updates but yes one or two chapters would be uploaded a week( but that too I am not promising but will try my level best to be there.

Sorry for being so late in updating and advance sorry for future late updates, if there would be any.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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